



#include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include "display_usage.c"/*If the user enters wrong arguments it will tell them how it should be */ void cut( const char *file, int option, int first, int last ); int main(int argc, char *argv[] ) { FILE *fp; char ch; fp = fopen("test.txt", "r"); // Open file in Read mode while (ch!=EOF) { ch = fgetc(fp); // Read a Character printf("%c", ch); } fclose(fp); // Close File after Reading return 0; } void cut( const char *file, int reverse, int first, int last ) { return; } 

以下函数从char缓冲区中删除给定范围。 范围由startng索引和长度标识。 可以指定负长度以指示从起始索引到字符串结尾的范围。

 /* * Remove given section from string. Negative len means remove * everything up to the end. */ int str_cut(char *str, int begin, int len) { int l = strlen(str); if (len < 0) len = l - begin; if (begin + len > l) len = l - begin; memmove(str + begin, str + begin + len, l - len + 1); return len; } 

通过将包括终止'\0'的范围之后的所有内容移动到带有memmove的起始索引来切除char范围,从而覆盖范围。 范围中的文本丢失。

请注意,您需要传递一个可以更改其内容的char缓冲区。 不传递存储在只读内存中的字符串文字。

strncpy最多只能复制n字符。 (可选)您可以在字符串中移动指针,并且如果您具有可写内存,还可以将\0粘贴到数组中以提前终止它。

对于这样的问题,最好编写自己的函数,这需要时间,但它会得到回报。 函数str_slice的代码如下所示,非常类似于JavaScripts的函数string.slicehttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/slice )和Python的function,用于在字符串或数组上创建切片( https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/functions.html#slice )。

它也只基于C标准库,因此必须跨平台并与任何编译器一起使用。 如有疑问,请查看测试。

 #include  #include  #include  /** * Extracts a selection of string and return a new string or NULL. * It supports both negative and positive indexes. */ char * str_slice(char str[], int slice_from, int slice_to) { // if a string is empty, returns nothing if (str[0] == '\0') return NULL; char *buffer; size_t str_len, buffer_len; // for negative indexes "slice_from" must be less "slice_to" if (slice_to < 0 && slice_from < slice_to) { str_len = strlen(str); // if "slice_to" goes beyond permissible limits if (abs(slice_to) > str_len - 1) return NULL; // if "slice_from" goes beyond permissible limits if (abs(slice_from) > str_len) slice_from = (-1) * str_len; buffer_len = slice_to - slice_from; str += (str_len + slice_from); // for positive indexes "slice_from" must be more "slice_to" } else if (slice_from >= 0 && slice_to > slice_from) { str_len = strlen(str); // if "slice_from" goes beyond permissible limits if (slice_from > str_len - 1) return NULL; buffer_len = slice_to - slice_from; str += slice_from; // otherwise, returns NULL } else return NULL; buffer = calloc(buffer_len, sizeof(char)); strncpy(buffer, str, buffer_len); return buffer; } 


 #include  void test_str_slice() { char str[] = "abcdefghijkl"; assert(NULL == str_slice(str, -3, -10)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, -1, -2)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, -1, 0)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, 1, 0)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, 5, 4)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, 0, 0)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, 10, 10)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, -2, -2)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, -20, -12)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, -20, -13)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, 12, 13)); assert(NULL == str_slice(str, 12, 20)); assert(NULL == str_slice("", 1, 2)); assert(NULL == str_slice("", -2, -1)); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -3, -1), "jk") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -8, -3), "efghi") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -10, -9), "c") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -2, -1), "k") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -15, -1), "abcdefghijk") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -12, -2), "abcdefghij") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -15, -8), "abcd") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, -15, -11), "a") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 1, 3), "bc") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 11, 100), "l") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 2, 4), "cd") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 3, 6), "def") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 0, 1), "a") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 4, 6), "ef") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 1, 2), "b") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 0, 3), "abc") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 0, 11), "abcdefghijk") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 2, 10), "cdefghij") == 0); assert(strcmp(str_slice(str, 0, 50), "abcdefghijkl") == 0); } 

正如您在测试中看到的那样,函数返回一个字符串或NULL。 它还支持负指数和正指数。 这个想法来自JavaScript和Python提到的早期function。 所以,不要污染这个答案大量的文本,我建议你阅读JavaScript和Python的文档。

如果你知道字符串的内容, strstr对你来说是完美的。


 char *str = "A dog died because a car hit him while he was crossing the road."; char *pCh = strstr(str, "dog"); 

pCh将具有"dog""dog" 'd'的地址。

