将c ++ lambda传递给旧的c函数指针

我必须为旧的c库创建一个c ++包装器。



void myclass::add_handler(std::function handler, otherstuff...) { /* * Many things. */ type_of_function_pointer_accepted_by_old_c_library_add_handler nameofvariable = [handler](same_arguments_as_in_definition_of_the_old_c_function_pointer_accepted) { /* * Many other things with other stuff to be done before the * handler but always only when fired and not when myclass::add_handler is called. */ handler(); }; old_c_library_add_handler(nameofvariable); /* * Last things. */ } 

据我所知,编译器抱怨我无法将带有捕获的lambda分配给旧的c函数指针。 问题是:我该怎么做才能解决?

这是一个例子。 我们使用的事实是,根据C ++标准,不捕获任何内容的lambda可用作函数指针。

 /* The definition of the C function */ typedef void (*PointerToFunction)(); void old_c_function(PointerToFunction handler, void* context); /* An example of a C++ function that calls the above C function */ void Foo(std::function handler) { auto lambda = [] (void* context) { auto handler = reinterpret_cast*>(context); (*handler)(); }; old_c_function(&lambda, &handler); } 
