如何使用gettimeofday()或与Visual Studio C ++ 2008等效的东西?

有人可以帮我在Windows XP上使用Visual Studio C ++ 2008的gettimeofday()函数吗? 这是我在网上找到的代码:

#include  #include  #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) #define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS 11644473600000000Ui64 #else #define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS 11644473600000000ULL #endif struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */ int tz_dsttime; /* type of dst correction */ }; int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz) { FILETIME ft; unsigned __int64 tmpres = 0; static int tzflag; if (NULL != tv) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); tmpres |= ft.dwHighDateTime; tmpres <tv_sec = (long)(tmpres / 1000000UL); tv->tv_usec = (long)(tmpres % 1000000UL); } if (NULL != tz) { if (!tzflag) { _tzset(); tzflag++; } tz->tz_minuteswest = _timezone / 60; tz->tz_dsttime = _daylight; } return 0; } ... // call gettimeofday() gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); tm = localtime(&tv.tv_sec); 

去年,当我使用VC ++ 6测试此代码时,它运行良好。 但是现在当我使用VC ++ 2008时,我遇到exception处理错误。 那么有没有关于如何使用gettimeofday或类似东西的想法?


在UNIX中,时区结构的使用已过时。 我不知道你为什么要用它。 请参阅http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl2_gettime.htm但是如果您想使用此结构来了解当地时间的GMT(UTC)差异,那将是下一个:tz_minuteswest是真正的差异从GMT(UTC)开始的分钟数和tz_dsttime是一个标志,表示日光是否正在使用中。

您的示例有一些更改在Visual C ++ 2008 Express中正常工作:

 #include "stdafx.h" #include  #include  const __int64 DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS= 11644473600000000; /* IN UNIX the use of the timezone struct is obsolete; I don't know why you use it. See http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl2_gettime.htm But if you want to use this structure to know about GMT(UTC) diffrence from your local time it will be next: tz_minuteswest is the real diffrence in minutes from GMT(UTC) and a tz_dsttime is a flag indicates whether daylight is now in use */ struct timezone2 { __int32 tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */ bool tz_dsttime; /* type of dst correction */ }; struct timeval2 { __int32 tv_sec; /* seconds */ __int32 tv_usec; /* microseconds */ }; int gettimeofday(struct timeval2 *tv/*in*/, struct timezone2 *tz/*in*/) { FILETIME ft; __int64 tmpres = 0; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tz_winapi; int rez=0; ZeroMemory(&ft,sizeof(ft)); ZeroMemory(&tz_winapi,sizeof(tz_winapi)); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); tmpres = ft.dwHighDateTime; tmpres <<= 32; tmpres |= ft.dwLowDateTime; /*converting file time to unix epoch*/ tmpres /= 10; /*convert into microseconds*/ tmpres -= DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS; tv->tv_sec = (__int32)(tmpres*0.000001); tv->tv_usec =(tmpres%1000000); //_tzset(),don't work properly, so we use GetTimeZoneInformation rez=GetTimeZoneInformation(&tz_winapi); tz->tz_dsttime=(rez==2)?true:false; tz->tz_minuteswest = tz_winapi.Bias + ((rez==2)?tz_winapi.DaylightBias:0); return 0; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { struct timeval2 tv; struct timezone2 tz; struct tm *tm1; time_t time1; ZeroMemory(&tv,sizeof(tv)); ZeroMemory(&tz,sizeof(tz)); gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); // call gettimeofday() time1=tv.tv_sec; tm1 = localtime(&time1); FILE *f; f=fopen("rez.txt","w"); fprintf(f,"%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",1900+tm1->tm_year,1+tm1->tm_mon,tm1->tm_mday,tm1->tm_hour,tm1->tm_min,tm1->tm_sec); fprintf(f,"Diffrence between GMT(UTC) and local time=%d %s\n",tz.tz_minuteswest,"minutes"); fprintf(f,"Is Daylight now=%s\n",tz.tz_dsttime?"Yes":"No"); fclose(f); return 0; } 


FWIW:这和Kate类似,但我只是想提一下, 如果有人在C ++中寻找最简单的秒表(数秒)。 我知道,没什么大不了的。 它只有1秒的分辨率,所以如果你想要微软,请继续使用其他例子。

 double seconds=0; time_t timer1, timer2; time(&timer1); /* get current time */ ... time(&timer2); /* get current time later */ seconds = difftime(timer2,timer1); 

有几种不同的类型来表示时间。 这是我最近使用的一些代码:

 time_t now; tm* local; time(&now); local=localtime(&now); 

