
是它的作业我们假设有char二维数组保持字符,大小限制为255 char char string[100][255];



 2 .... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. .--- --- -.- . 


  • 情况1:

  • 案例2:


我唯一的想法是让一个单词的第一个字符由用户输入..要检查它是否是’。’ 或’ – ‘然后仔细并手动分配..嵌套的if(string[i][c]=='.')和每个嵌套的最后一个if将是if(string[i][c]==' ')然后打印出字母“E”的例子

 if(string[i][c]=='.') { isspace(string[i][c+1]) printf("E"); } 

现在我的问题是..有没有更简单的方法来解决这个问题? 我不需要键入相同的’ – ‘和’。’ 如果声明..和东西? 并让我的思绪爆炸? 因为我用if或case语句丢失了对应下一个char的跟踪?

你已经发现你可以对每个莫尔斯信号进行分支,并且将所有这些都硬编码,如同 – else语句一样令人厌烦。 当您这样做时,您将注意到具有更深嵌套条件的特定结构。 您可以将此结构表示为树:

  * / \ ET / \ / \ IANM / \ / \ / \ / \ SURWDKGO / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ HVF * L * PJBXCYZQ * * 

同样的树可以在莫斯科代码维基百科条目的中间部分 (略微)更漂亮的forms中找到。 (最下面一行中的星号表示编码不是英文字母的26个字母之一。)

你从顶部开始。 分支留在dit上,分支在dah上,并在完成后读取值。

实现树的方法有很多种。 在这种情况下,树的分支都具有相同的深度,至少如果我们考虑星号的话。 您可以通过逐行索引节点将树表示为线性数组。 当toe top node为1时,你得到:

  1 / \ 2 3 / \ / \ 4 5 6 7 / \ / \ / \ / \ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 16 ... ... 31 

您可以看到从节点n左侧的分支将您带到节点2*n并且右侧分支将您带到索引为2*n + 1右邻居。 从1开始构建索引,然后在数组中查找你的字母:

 const char *letter = "**ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF?L?PJBXCYZQ??"; 



 #include  #include  typedef struct { char* morse; char* ascii; } morse_table_t; int main(void) { char input[] = ".- -... -.-."; morse_table_t table[] = { {".-", "A"}, {"-...", "B"}, {"-.-.", "C"} /* TODO: Fill in the rest of the Morse Table Here */ }; char* segment; int i; segment = strtok(input, " "); while(segment) { for(i=0; i 
 #include  #include  #include  #include  static const char *alpha[] = { ".-", //A "-...", //B "-.-.", //C "-..", //D ".", //E "..-.", //F "--.", //G "....", //H "..", //I ".---", //J "-.-", //K ".-..", //L "--", //M "-.", //N "---", //O ".--.", //P "--.-", //Q ".-.", //R "...", //S "-", //T "..-", //U "...-", //V ".--", //W "-..-", //X "-.--", //Y "--..", //Z }; static const char *num[] = { "-----", //0 ".----", //1 "..---", //2 "...--", //3 "....-", //4 ".....", //5 "-....", //6 "--...", //7 "---..", //8 "----.", //9 }; static const char **table[] = { alpha, num }; typedef enum kind { ALPHA, NUM } Kind; typedef struct mtree { char value; struct mtree *dot; struct mtree *bar; } MTree; MTree *root; void make_tree(void); void drop_tree(void); void encode_out(const char *s); void decode_out(const char *s); int main(void){ make_tree(); encode_out("HELLO WORLD"); encode_out("JOKE"); decode_out(".... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.."); decode_out(".--- --- -.- ."); drop_tree(); return 0; } void encode_out(const char *s){ for(;;++s){ char ch = *s; if(ch == '\0') break; if(isalpha(ch)){ ch = toupper(ch); fputs(table[ALPHA][ch - 'A'], stdout);//`-'A'` depend on the sequence of character code } else if(isdigit(ch)) fputs(table[NUM][ch - '0'], stdout); else if(ch == ' ') fputc('/', stdout);//need rest space skip ? else ;//invalid character => ignore fputc(' ', stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); } static void decode_out_aux(MTree *tree, const char *s){ if(tree == NULL) return; if(*s == '\0') fputc(tree->value, stdout); else if(*s == '/') fputc(' ', stdout); else if(*s == '.') decode_out_aux(tree->dot, ++s); else if(*s == '-') decode_out_aux(tree->bar, ++s); } void decode_out(const char *s){ char *p; while(*s){ p = strchr(s, ' '); if(p){ if(ps != 0){ char code[p-s+1]; memcpy(code, s, ps); code[ps]='\0'; decode_out_aux(root, code); } s = p + 1; } else { decode_out_aux(root, s); break; } } fputc('\n', stdout); } static void insert_aux(MTree **tree, char ch, const char *s){ if(*tree == NULL) *tree = calloc(1, sizeof(**tree)); if(*s == '\0') (*tree)->value = ch; else if(*s == '.') insert_aux(&(*tree)->dot, ch, ++s); else if(*s == '-') insert_aux(&(*tree)->bar, ch, ++s); } static inline void insert(char ch, const char *s){ if(*s == '.') insert_aux(&root->dot, ch, ++s); else if(*s == '-') insert_aux(&root->bar, ch, ++s); } void make_tree(void){ root = calloc(1, sizeof(*root)); //root->value = '/';//anything int i; for(i = 0; i < 26; ++i) insert('A'+i, table[ALPHA][i]); for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) insert('0'+i, table[NUM][i]); } static void drop_tree_aux(MTree *root){ if(root){ drop_tree_aux(root->dot); drop_tree_aux(root->bar); free(root); } } void drop_tree(void){ drop_tree_aux(root); } 

蛮力的方法是最简单的 – 不像你提议的那样粗暴。

  1. 创建包含摩尔斯码的输入字符串数组。
  2. 创建一个输出字符串数组,其中包含#1中的字符串表示的内容(大多数字符串将是单个字符)。 确保它与#1中的数组完全相同。 (您可以使用二维数组或结构同时执行这两项操作,也可以使用更高级的方法执行这两种操作。使用您最了解的内容。)
  3. 外部循环的开始:将目标字符串初始化为空。
  4. 从输入字符串一次读取一个字符,并且:
    一个。 如果是破折号或点,请将其添加到目标字符串;
    湾 如果没有,结束这个循环。
  5. 重复#4,直到遇到没有破折号或点的东西。 一个。 将新字符串与数组#1中的每个摩尔斯电码进行比较。 找到后,从数组#2中写入相应的输出代码。
    湾 跳过输入字符串中的空格;
    C。 如果你遇到斜线,写一个空格; 和
    d。 如果你遇到输入字符串的结尾,你就完成了。
  6. 在3处重复循环,直到遇到输入结束。


 #include  #include  int main() { /* string array will contain the whole line morse code */ char string[256]=""; /* T is the number of test c ases */ int T; scanf("%d ",&T); /* morse array contains all the letters from A to Z in */ /* morse code */ const char morse[][10]={ ".-", //morse code of letter A "-...", //morse code of letter B "-.-." , //morse code of letter C "-.." , //morse code of letter D "." , //morse code of letter E "..-." , //morse code of letter F "--." , //morse code of letter G "...." , //morse code of letter H ".." , //morse code of letter I ".---" , //morse code of letter J "-.-" , //morse code of letter K ".-.." , //morse code of letter L "--" , //morse code of letter M "-." , //morse code of letter N "---" , //morse code of letter O ".--." , //morse code of letter P "--.-" , //morse code of letter Q ".-." , //morse code of letter R "..." , //morse code of letter S "-" , //morse code of letter T "..-" , //morse code of letter U "...-" , //morse code of letter V ".--" , //morse code of letter W "-..-" , //morse code of letter X "-.--" , //morse code of letter Y "--.." //morse code of letter Z }; /* i will be used to print the number of test case */ int i=1; /* while loop to do every case */ while(T--) { printf("Case#%d:\n",i); /* read the line of more code via f gets */ fgets(string,sizeof(string),stdin); /* strtok is for extracting every word from the line */ char *p=strtok(string," "); while(p!=NULL) { /* check if the word is / print space and go to the next word */ if(p[0]=='/') { printf(" "); goto next; } int j=0; for(j=0; j<26;j++) { //check the correspondant string in morse array if(!strcmp(p,morse[j])) { /* print the equivalent letter after finding the subscript */ /* A=65+0 .... Z=90=65+25 */ printf("%c",(j+65)); } } next: /* fetch the next word by ignoring space tab newline*/ p=strtok(NULL,"\t \n"); } printf("\n"); i++; } return 0; } 




 #include #include #include #define MAX 100 #define SIZE 255 int main(){ char string[MAX][SIZE]; char destination[MAX][5]; char *input[37]={".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.", "....","..",".---","-.-",".-..","--","-.", "---",".--.","--.-",".-.","...","-","..-", "...-",".--","-..-","-.--","--..","-----", ".----","..---","...--","....-",".....", "-....","--...","---..","----.","/"}; char *output[37]= {"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O", "P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","0","1","2","3", "4","5","6","7","8","9"," "}; int i, c, x, m, j; printf("Enter the number of Cases:"); scanf("%d", &x); for(i=0;i 


 #include  #include  #define MAX 100 #define SIZE 255 int main(){ char string[MAX][SIZE] = { ".... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -..", ".--- --- -.- ." }; char destination[MAX][8]; int x = 2;//number of input int i, j, m; char *code, *separator = " ";//" " --> " \t\n" for(i=0;i 

我找到了解决方案! :D代表BLUEPIXY for for(i=0,j=0;i


 #include #include #define MAX 100 #define SIZE 255 int main(){ char string[MAX][SIZE]; char destination[MAX] [MAX][8]; char *input[38]={".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.", "....","..",".---","-.-",".-..","--","-.", "---",".--.","--.-",".-.","...","-","..-", "...-",".--","-..-","-.--","--..","-----", ".----","..---","...--","....-",".....", "-....","--...","---..","----.","/"}; char *output[38]={"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O", "P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","0","1","2","3", "4","5","6","7","8","9"," "}; char *code, *separator = " "; int i, c, x, j; int m[MAX]; printf("Enter the number of Cases:"); scanf("%d", &x); getchar(); for(i=0;i 

m-oehm的回答非常好,因为我发现涉及表的所有其他方法都有点多余。 我遵循二叉树编码器,并提供了一个可以使用的示例代码。


您需要从预先解析的二叉树开始,找到要编码为morse的字母的索引,将其转换为二进制,忽略第一个数字,然后只将零分配给点,并将其分配给破折号。 这很简单。

AC实施示例 在此处输入图像描述
