
我一直试图将这段代码并行化大约两天并且一直存在逻辑错误。 程序是使用非常小的dx的总和找到积分的面积并计算积分的每个离散值。 我试图用openmp实现这个,但我实际上没有使用openmp的经验。 我想请你的帮助。 实际目标是在线程中并行化suma变量,以便每个线程计算更少的积分值。 程序编译成功,但是当我执行程序时,它会返回错误的结果。

#include  #include  #include  #include  int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ float down = 1, up = 100, dx, suma = 0, j; int steps, i, nthreads, tid; long starttime, finishtime, runtime; starttime = omp_get_wtime(); steps = atoi(argv[1]); dx = (up - down) / steps; nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); tid = omp_get_thread_num(); #pragma omp parallel for private(i, j, tid) reduction(+:suma) for(i = 0; i < steps; i++){ for(j = (steps / nthreads) * tid; j < (steps / nthreads) * (tid + 1); j += dx){ suma += ((j * j * j) + ((j + dx) * (j + dx) * (j + dx))) / 2 * dx; } } printf("For %d steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from %f to %f is: %f\n", steps, down, up, suma); finishtime = omp_get_wtime(); runtime = finishtime - starttime; printf("Runtime: %ld\n", runtime); return (0); } 

问题出在你的for循环中。 如果您使用for-pragma,OpenMP会为您执行循环拆分:

 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) reduction(+:suma) for(i = 0; i < steps; i++) { // recover the x-position of the i-th step float x = down + i * dx; // evaluate the function at x float y = (3.0f * x * x + 1) // add the sum of the rectangle to the overall integral suma += y * dx } 

即使您将转换为并行化方案,您必须自己计算索引,这将是有问题的。 外循环应该只执行nthread次。


我们只考虑threads = 1的情况。 这个:

 #pragma omp parallel for private(i, j, tid) reduction(+:suma) for(i = 0; i < steps; i++){ for(j = (steps / nthreads) * tid; j < (steps / nthreads) * (tid + 1); j += dx){ suma += ((j * j * j) + ((j + dx) * (j + dx) * (j + dx))) / 2 * dx; } } 


 for(i = 0; i < steps; i++){ for(j = 0; j < steps; j += dx){ suma += ((j * j * j) + ((j + dx) * (j + dx) * (j + dx))) / 2 * dx; } } 

你可以开始看到问题; 你基本上是在第2步循环。

另外,你的第二个循环没有任何意义,因为你用dx递增。 指标(i,j)与物理域中的位置(i * dx)之间的相同混淆显示在您的增量中。 j+dx没有任何意义。 大概你想通过(f(x)+ f(x'))* dx / 2增加suma (例如,梯形法则); 那应该是

  float x = down + i*dx; suma += dx * ((3 * x * x + 1) + (3 * (x + dx) * (x + dx) + 1)) / 2; 

正如ebo指出的那样,你想要总结被积函数 ,而不是它的反导数。


 printf("For %d steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from %f to %f is: %f (expected: %f)\n", steps, down, up, suma, up*up*up-down*down*down + up - down); 


 $ ./foo 10 For 10 steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from 1.000000 to 100.000000 is: 1004949.375000 (expected: 1000098.000000) Runtime: 0 $ ./foo 100 For 100 steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from 1.000000 to 100.000000 is: 1000146.562500 (expected: 1000098.000000) Runtime: 0 $ ./foo 1000 For 1000 steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from 1.000000 to 100.000000 is: 1000098.437500 (expected: 1000098.000000) Runtime: 0 



 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:suma) for(i = 0; i < steps; i++){ float x = down + i*dx; suma += dx * ((3 * x * x + 1) + (3 * (x + dx) * (x + dx) + 1)) / 2; } 


 $ setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 1 $ ./foo 1000 For 1000 steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from 1.000000 to 100.000000 is: 1000098.437500 (expected: 1000098.000000) Runtime: 0 $ setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 2 $ ./foo 1000 For 1000 steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from 1.000000 to 100.000000 is: 1000098.437500 (expected: 1000098.000000) Runtime: 0 $ setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 4 $ ./foo 1000 For 1000 steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from 1.000000 to 100.000000 is: 1000098.625000 (expected: 1000098.000000) Runtime: 0 $ setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 8 $ ./foo 1000 For 1000 steps the area of the integral 3 * x^2 + 1 from 1.000000 to 100.000000 is: 1000098.500000 (expected: 1000098.000000) 
