Mergesort – 分段故障


./Computing$ ls -LR .: list file.txt mergeSort.c program.exe type.h ./list: arrayImpl.c linkedListImpl.c list.h 


 $./Computing gcc -Wall -Werror -DARRAY -I. mergeSort.c ./list/*.c -o program 

这是包含文件的完整代码, mergeSort.clist/*type.h


 typedef struct List{ void **array; /* Housekeeping - Array enhancement/shrink */ int lastItemPosition; int size; }List; 


 void mergeSort(List *list, size_t listSize, isLess less){ if(list != NULL){ void **aux = malloc(list->size * sizeof(void*)); //Auxillary shadow copy if(aux != NULL){ printf("Size of list: %d\n", listSize); mSort(list->array, aux, 0, listSize-1, less); }else{ fprintf(stderr, "mergeSort() - Malloc failure"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }else{ fprintf(stderr, "mergeSort() - List is NULL"); } } static void mSort(void **array, void **aux, int low, int high, isLess less){ if(high <= low) return; int mid = (low + high)/2; mSort(array, aux, low, mid, less); mSort(array, aux, mid+1, high, less); merge(array, aux, low, mid, high, less); } static void merge(void **array, void **aux, int low, int mid, int high, isLess less){ for(int index = 0; index <= high; index++){ aux[index] = array[index]; //Shallow copy } printf("Low-%d, Mid-%d, High-%d\n", low, mid, high); int leftIndex = low; int rightIndex = mid+1; printf("leftIndex-%d, rightIndex-%d\n", leftIndex, rightIndex); for(int index = 0; index  mid) /* right array exhausted */ array[index] = aux[rightIndex++]; else if(rightIndex > high) /*left array exhausted*/ array[index] = aux[leftIndex++]; else if( less(aux[rightIndex], aux[leftIndex]) ) array[index] = aux[rightIndex++]; else array[index] = aux[leftIndex++]; } } 


 bool less(const void *key, const void *item){ printf("\nIn less function\n"); printf("left-%d, Right-%d\n\n", ((Record *)key)->age, ((Record *)item)->age); if( ((Record *)key)->age age ){ printf("Return true\n"); return true; }else{ printf("Return false\n"); return false; } } int main(){ FILE *pFile = fopen("file.txt", "r"); checkHandleFailure(pFile, FILE_HANDLE_FAILURE); char buf[MAX_RECORD_SIZE]; DBCache *cache = initCache(pFile); readHeader(pFile, cache, buf); readData(pFile, cache, buf); printRecords(cache); printf("Before calling mergesort() \n"); mergeSort(cache->records, listGetSize(cache->records), less); } 


 $ ./program.exe Age,LastName,FirstName ------------------------------ 50,B,A 30,A,B 20,X,D 10,F,A 90,V,E 60,N,M Records#: 6 Before calling mergesort() Size of list: 6 Low-0, Mid-0, High-1 leftIndex-0, rightIndex-1 In less function left-30, Right-50 Return true Low-0, Mid-1, High-2 leftIndex-0, rightIndex-2 In less function left-20, Right-30 Return true Low-3, Mid-3, High-4 leftIndex-3, rightIndex-4 In less function left-90, Right-10 Return false Low-3, Mid-4, High-5 leftIndex-3, rightIndex-5 Segmentation fault (core dumped) In less function 



合并中的两个for循环应该从低位开始,而不是从零开始。 从0开始的第二个for循环可能导致分段错误。 第一个for循环从0开始不应该导致分段错误,但它会消耗额外的时间。

 static void merge(....) /* ... */ for(int index = low; index <= high; index++){ // low not 0 aux[index] = array[index]; } /* ... */ for(int index = low; index <= high; index++){ // low not 0 if(leftIndex > mid) /* ... */ /* ... */ 

要进行generics合并排序,您不能使用void ** ,因为您也会强制用户使用嵌套指针。 所以你的实现在这里不通用。

我建议你使用指针算法的实现,这不容易理解。 但我认为这比使用int更好。 我在比较函数中更改函数更少,因为它在C中更惯用。

 #include  #include  #include  #include  typedef int msort_cmp(void const *a, void const *b); static void msort_merge(char *begin, char const *end, char *copy_begin, char *copy_mid, char const *copy_end, size_t size, msort_cmp *cmp) { memcpy(copy_begin, begin, (size_t)(end - begin)); for (char *right = copy_mid; begin < end; begin += size) { if (copy_begin >= copy_mid) { memcpy(begin, right, size); right += size; } else if (right >= copy_end) { memcpy(begin, copy_begin, size); copy_begin += size; } else if (cmp(right, copy_begin) > 0) { memcpy(begin, right, size); right += size; } else { memcpy(begin, copy_begin, size); copy_begin += size; } } } static void msort_partition(char *begin, char const *end, char *copy, size_t size, msort_cmp *cmp) { size_t bytes = (size_t)(end - begin); if (bytes > size) { size_t tmp = bytes / 2; size_t offset = tmp - tmp % size; char *mid = begin + offset; msort_partition(begin, mid, copy, size, cmp); msort_partition(mid, end, copy, size, cmp); msort_merge(begin, end, copy, copy + offset, copy + bytes, size, cmp); } } static int msort_aux(char *begin, char const *end, size_t size, msort_cmp *cmp) { char *copy = malloc((size_t)(end - begin)); if (copy == NULL) { return 1; } msort_partition(begin, end, copy, size, cmp); return 0; } static int msort(void *begin, void const *end, size_t size, msort_cmp *cmp) { return msort_aux(begin, end, size, cmp); } static int cmp_int_aux(int const *a, int const *b) { if (*a < *b) { return 1; } else if (*a > *b) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } static int cmp_int(void const *a, void const *b) { return cmp_int_aux(a, b); } static void print_int(int const *array, size_t size) { printf("array: "); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf(" %d", array[i]); } printf("\n"); } static int cmp_pint(void const *a, void const *b) { return cmp_int(*(int *const *)a, *(int *const *)b); } static void print_pint(int *const *parray, size_t size) { printf("parray: "); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf(" %d", *parray[i]); } printf("\n"); } #define SIZE 42 int main(void) { int array[SIZE]; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { array[i] = rand() % SIZE - SIZE / 2; } print_int(array, SIZE); msort(array, array + SIZE, sizeof *array, &cmp_int); print_int(array, SIZE); int *parray[SIZE]; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { array[i] = rand() % SIZE - SIZE / 2; parray[i] = array + i; } print_pint(parray, SIZE); msort(parray, parray + SIZE, sizeof *parray, &cmp_pint); print_pint(parray, SIZE); }