如何从字符串中获取单词并将它们放在字符串数组中? 在C.

我基本上在一个字符串中有一个句子,并希望将每个单词的单词分解。 每个单词都应该进入一个字符串数组。 我不被允许使用strtok 。 我有这个代码,但它不起作用。 有人可以帮忙吗?


 int main(){ char s[10000]; // sentence char array[100][100]; // array where I put every word printf("Insert sentence: "); // receive the sentence gets(s); int i = 0; int j = 0; for(j = 0; s[j] != '\0'; j++){ // loop until I reach the end for(i = 0; s[i] != ' '; i++){ // loop until the word is over array[j][i] = s[i]; // put every char in the array } } return 0; } 

每个单词都应该进入一个字符串数组。 我不被允许使用strtok

有趣的问题可以在紧凑的算法中解决。 它处理check(char c)指定的多个空格和标点符号。

问题最困难的部分是妥善处理角落案件。 当单词长度超过WORD_LEN长度或单词数超过array的容量时,我们可能会遇到这种情况。

两种情况都得到妥善处理。 该算法截断过多的单词并仅解析为数组的容量。

(顺便说一句。不要使用gets : 为什么获取function如此危险以至于不应该使用? )


 #include  #include  #include  #define WORD_LEN 3 // 100 // MAX WORD LEN #define NR_OF_WORDS 3 // 100 // MAX NUMBER OF WORDS #define INPUT_SIZE 10000 int is_delimiter(const char * delimiters, char c) // check for a delimiter { char *p = strchr (delimiters, c); // if not NULL c is separator if (p) return 1; // delimeter else return 0; // not a delimeter } int skip(int *i, char *str, int skip_delimiters, const char *delimiters) { while(1){ if(skip_delimiters) { if( (str[(*i)+1] =='\0') || (!is_delimiter(delimiters, str[(*i)+1])) ) break; // break on nondelimeter or '\0' else (*i)++; // advance to next character } else{ // skip excess characters in the token if( is_delimiter(delimiters, str[(*i)]) ) { if( (str[(*i)+1] =='\0') || !is_delimiter(delimiters, str[(*i)+1]) ) break; // break on non delimiter or '\0' else (*i)++; // skip delimiters } else (*i)++; // skip non delimiters } } if ( str[(*i)+1] =='\0') return 0; else return 1; } int find_tokens(int max_tokens, int token_len, char *str, char array[][token_len+1], const char *delimiters, int *nr_of_tokens) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int l = 0; *nr_of_tokens = 0; int status = 0; // all OK! int skip_leading_delimiters = 1; int token = 0; int more; for(i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++){ // loop until I reach the end // skip leading delimiters if( skip_leading_delimiters ) { if( is_delimiter( delimiters, str[i]) ) continue; skip_leading_delimiters = 0; } if( !is_delimiter(delimiters,str[i]) && (j < token_len) ) { array[l][j] = str[i]; // put char in the array //printf("%c!\n", array[l][j] ); j++; array[l][j] = 0; token = 1; } else { //printf("%c?\n", str[i] ); array[l][j] = '\0'; // token terminations if (j < token_len) { more = skip(&i, str, 1, delimiters); // skip delimiters } else{ more = skip(&i, str, 0, delimiters); // skip excess of the characters in token status = status | 0x01; // token has been truncated } j = 0; //printf("more %d\n",more); if(token){ if (more) l++; } if(l >= max_tokens){ status = status | 0x02; // more tokens than expected break; } } } if(l>=max_tokens) *nr_of_tokens = max_tokens; else{ if(l<=0 && token) *nr_of_tokens = 1; else { if(token) *nr_of_tokens = l+1; else *nr_of_tokens = l; } } return status; } int main(void){ char input[INPUT_SIZE+1]; // sentence char array[NR_OF_WORDS][WORD_LEN+1]; // array where I put every word, remeber to include null terminator!!! int number_of_words; const char * delimiters = " .,;:\t"; // word delimiters char *p; printf("Insert sentence: "); // receive the sentence fgets(input, INPUT_SIZE, stdin); if ( (p = strchr(input, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; // remove '\n' int ret = find_tokens(NR_OF_WORDS, WORD_LEN, input, array, delimiters, &number_of_words); printf("tokens= %d ret= %d\n", number_of_words, ret); for (int i=0; i < number_of_words; i++) printf("%d: %s\n", i, array[i]); printf("End\n"); return 0; } 


 Insert sentence: ..........1234567,,,,,,abcdefgh....123:::::::::::: tokens= 3 ret= 1 0: 123 1: abc 2: 123 End 


你只需要一个循环,内循环和条件必须是s[i] != 0

 int j = 0; // index for array int k = 0; // index for array[j] for(i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if(k == 99) { // word longer than array[j] can hold, aborting array[j][99] = 0; // 0-terminating string break; } if(j == 99) { // more words than array can hold, aborting break; } if(s[i] == ' ') { array[j][k] = 0; // 0-terminating string j++; // for the next entry in array k = 0; } else array[j][k++] = s[i]; } 

请注意,此算法不处理多个空格和标点符号。 这可以通过使用存储最后状态的变量来解决。

 int j = 0; // index for array int k = 0; // index for array[j] int sep_state = 0; // 0 normal mode, 1 separation mode for(i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if(k == 99) { // word longer than array[j] can hold, aborting array[j][99] = 0; // 0-terminating string break; } if(j == 99) { // more words than array can hold, aborting break; } // check for usual word separators if(s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == '.' || s[i] == ',' || s[i] == ';' || s[i] == ':') { if(sep_state == 1) continue; // skip multiple separators array[j][k] = 0; // 0-terminating string j++; // for the next entry in array k = 0; sep_state = 1; // enter separation mode } else { array[j][k++] = s[i]; sep_state = 0; // leave separation mode } } 

如您所见,使用sep_state变量,我能够检查多个分隔符是否一个接一个地出现并跳过后续分隔符。 我还检查常见的标点符号。

 #include  int main() { char s[10000]; // sentence char array[100][100]; // array where i put every word printf("Insert sentence: "); // receive the sentece gets(s); printf("%s",s); int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; for(j = 0; s[j] != '\0'; j++){ // loop until i reach the end if ( s[j] != ' ' || s[j] == '\0' ) { array[i][k] = s[j]; k++; } else { i++; k = 0; } } return 0; } 
