
我正在尝试创建一组infinte管道,以便从左边的流程遍历到正确的流程。 我正在使用fd保留前面的fd并将其输入到新进程。 任何人都可以看到我出错的地方。 在这一点上看起来应该很简单。 我记录得很好。

//Keep the previous out fd for the in of the subsequent process int prev_out_fd; for (x = 0; x < prog_count; ++x) { //Create a pipe for both processes to share int pipefd[2]; if (x != prog_count -1) { pipe(pipefd); } prog_defs[x].pid = fork(); if(prog_defs[x].pid == 0) { //If this is the first process we don't need a read end if (x == 0) { close(pipefd[0]); } //If this is not the first process, set the input to the output of the previous pipe if (x != 0) { dup2(prev_out_fd, STDIN_FILENO); //Pipe now garbage. Get rid of it. close (prev_out_fd); } if(x != prog_count - 1) { dup2(pipefd[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(pipefd[0]); close(pipefd[1]); } execvp(prog_defs[x].bin, prog_defs[x].args); } if (x != 0) close(prev_out_fd); prev_out_fd = pipefd[0]; close(pipefd[1]); }