linux ARP recvfrom信息


struct ether_arp req; struct sockaddr_ll addr={0}; struct ifreq inter; int sock;//I check usinginter if the interface is correct sock=socket(AF_PACKET,SOCK_DGRAM,htons(ETH_P_ARP)); if (sock==-1) { printf("%s",strerror(errno)); } if (ioctl(sock,SIOCGIFINDEX,&inter)==-1) { printf("%s",strerror(errno)); return ;//for the interface index addr.sll_family=AF_PACKET; addr.sll_ifindex=index; addr.sll_halen=ETHER_ADDR_LEN; addr.sll_protocol=htons(ETH_P_ARP); memcpy(addr.sll_addr,ether_broadcast_addr,ETHER_ADDR_LEN); req.arp_hrd=htons(ARPHRD_ETHER); req.arp_pro=htons(ETH_P_IP); req.arp_hln=ETHER_ADDR_LEN; req.arp_pln=sizeof(in_addr_t); req.arp_op=htons(ARPOP_REQUEST); ...................... memcpy(&req.arp_spa,&target_ip_addr.s_addr,sizeof(req.arp_spa));//this way I save the source IP ....... if (sendto(sock,&req,sizeof(req),0,(struct sockaddr*)&addr,sizeof(addr))==-1) { printf("%s",strerror(errno)); }THis is how I send it 





在此处查看有关单个字段的更多信息: ARP消息格式

您要查找的32位是Sender Protocol Address

这是一个hypotetic代码片段,显示主机的IP号码arp-回复你的ARP REQUESTS。


 /* buf is buffer containing the ethernet frame */ char buf[65535]; /* arp frame points to the arp data inside the ethernet frame */ struct ether_arp *arp_frame; /* skipping the 14 bytes of ethernet frame header */ arp_frame = (struct ether_arp *) (buf + 14); /* read until we got an arp packet or socket got a problem */ while (recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) { /* skip to the next frame if it's not an ARP packet */ if ((((buf[12]) << 8) + buf[13]) != ETH_P_ARP) continue; /* skip to the next frame if it's not an ARP REPLY */ if (ntohs (arp_frame->arp_op) != ARPOP_REPLY) continue; /* got an arp reply! this is where i'm printing what you need */ /* ... and YES... spa of arp_spa field stands for Sender Protocol Address */ printf("I got an arp reply from host with ip: %u.%u.%u.%u\n", arp_frame->arp_spa[0], arp_frame->arp_spa[1], arp_frame->arp_spa[2], arp_frame->arp_spa[3]); /* break? */ break; } 

