

基本上这个计算器用于计算环境温度下铜和铝线的电阻,使用公式R2 = R1 *(1 + alpha(T-25))

这里R2将是输出,R1将是用户使用4×4矩阵键盘输入的值(包括十进制值,如12.5等),T是温度传感器LM35记录的摄氏度温度。 铜的α=0.0039α,铝= 0.0042


基本上温度将由计算器记录,该计算器将给出输入T.25℃的电阻值将由用户使用键盘输入。 现在键0-9和“。” 用于输入值。 在此之后当用户按下键盘上的“+”时,它应该实现铜的公式并在LCD上显示结果,类似地,当用户按下“ – ”时,它应该实现铝的公式。 让我们暂时保留“*”“/”和“=”按钮作为备用按钮。



请帮我解决一下这个。 🙂

谢谢和问候,Mohit Goyal

#define F_CPU 1000000UL #include  #include  #include  #include  #include "lcd.h" #include "lcd.c" #include  #define KB_PORT_OUT PORTB #define KB_PORT_IN PINB void port_init(void) { DDRB = 0x0f; //Key-board port, higer nibble - input, lower nibble - output PORTB = 0xff; } void init_devices(void) { port_init(); MCUCR = 0x00; TIMSK = 0x00; //timer interrupt sources } void InitADC() { ADMUX=(1<<REFS0); ADCSRA=(1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0); } uint16_t ReadADC (uint8_t ch) { ch=ch&0b00000111; ADMUX|=ch; ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC); while (! (ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF))); ADCSRA|=(1<<ADIF); return (ADC); } void Wait () { uint8_t i; for (i=0;i<1;i++) _delay_loop_2(0); } void main() { char Temp[3]; uint16_t adc_result,mV; int t; lcd_init (LCD_DISP_ON); lcd_clrscr(); InitADC(); lcd_gotoxy(0,0); lcd_puts("R1="); lcd_gotoxy(9,0); lcd_puts(",T="); lcd_gotoxy(15,0); lcd_puts("C"); lcd_gotoxy(0,1); lcd_puts("R2="); while(1) { adc_result=ReadADC(0); mV=(int)(1000.0*5.0*(((float)adc_result)/1023.0)); t=(int)(mV/10); sprintf(Temp,"%d",t); lcd_gotoxy(12,0); lcd_puts(Temp); Wait(); unsigned char Res, upperNibble, myCharPointer, keyCode, keyPressed, j; int a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, display=0; init_devices(); lcd_gotoxy(3,0); while(1) { upperNibble = 0xff; for(j=0; j<4; j++) { _delay_ms(1); KB_PORT_OUT = ~(0x01 << j); _delay_ms(1); //delay for port o/p settling upperNibble = KB_PORT_IN | 0x0f; if (upperNibble != 0xff) { _delay_ms(20); //key debouncing delay upperNibble = KB_PORT_IN | 0x0f; if(upperNibble == 0xff) goto OUT; keyCode = (upperNibble & 0xf0) | (0x0f & ~(0x01 << j)); while (upperNibble != 0xff) upperNibble = KB_PORT_IN | 0x0f; _delay_ms(20); //key debouncing delay switch (keyCode) //generating key characetr to display on LCD { case (0xee): keyPressed = "1"; a=1; b=b*10+1; break; case (0xed): keyPressed = "4"; a=4; b=b*10+4; break; case (0xeb): keyPressed = "7"; a=7; b=b*10+7; break; case (0xe7): keyPressed = "."; break; case (0xde): keyPressed = "2"; a=2; b=b*10+2; break; case (0xdd): keyPressed = "5"; a=5; b=b*10+5; break; case (0xdb): keyPressed = "8"; a=8; b=b*10+8; break; case (0xd7): keyPressed = "0"; a=0; b=b*10+0; break; case (0xbe): keyPressed = "3"; a=3; b=b*10+3; break; case (0xbd): keyPressed = "6"; a=6; b=b*10+6; break; case (0xbb): keyPressed = "9"; a=9; b=b*10+9; break; case (0xb7): keyPressed = "="; break; case (0x7e): keyPressed = "A"; break; case (0x7d): keyPressed = "B"; break; case (0x7b): keyPressed = "C"; break; case (0x77): keyPressed = "D"; break; default : keyPressed = "X"; }//end of switch lcd_puts(keyPressed); lcd_gotoxy(3,1); lcd_puts(keyPressed); OUT:; }//end of if }//end of for }//end of while(1) return 0; } 


读取输入的一种方法是在字符数组中读取字符(在开关案例块中使用strcat函数附加到字符数组中)。 然后检查它是否格式正确。 然后将字符数组中的数字转换为float并在计算中使用它,如问题链接中所述


 char s[25]=""; strcat(s,"1") 




在所有这些情况下。 “1”是const字符数组。 ‘1’是人物

