

int pfds[2]; pipe(pfds); printf("%s","\nEnter input for stdin"); read(0, pO, 5); printf("\nEnter input for fds 3"); read(pfds[0], pX, 5); printf("\nOutput stout"); write(1, pO, strlen(pO)); printf("\nOutput fd 4"); write(pfds[1], pX, strlen(pX)); 

现在我有另一个程序“Operator”,它使用execv在子进程中执行上述程序(Sample)。 现在我想要的是通过“运算符”向“Sample”发送输入。

在分配子进程之后,但在调用execve之前,您必须调用dup2(2)将子进程的stdin描述符重定向到管道的读取端。 这是一段简单的代码,没有太多的错误检查:

 pipe(pfds_1); /* first pair of pipe descriptors */ pipe(pfds_2); /* second pair of pipe descriptors */ switch (fork()) { case 0: /* child */ /* close write ends of both pipes */ close(pfds_1[1]); close(pfds_2[1]); /* redirect stdin to read end of first pipe, 4 to read end of second pipe */ dup2(pfds_1[0], 0); dup2(pfds_2[0], 4); /* the original read ends of the pipes are not needed anymore */ close(pfds_1[0]); close(pfds_2[0]); execve(...); break; case -1: /* could not fork child */ break; default: /* parent */ /* close read ends of both pipes */ close(pfds_1[0]); close(pfds_2[0]); /* write to first pipe (delivers to stdin in the child) */ write(pfds_1[1], ...); /* write to second pipe (delivers to 4 in the child) */ write(pfds_2[1], ...); break; } 

这样,您从父进程写入第一个管道的所有内容都将通过描述符0stdin )传递给子进程,并且您从第二个管道写入的所有内容也将传递到描述符4