


建议的解决方案:初始化4个信号量并调用单独的线程以单独增加变量。 2个信号量,用于将消息传递给线程以开始递增; 2个信号量,用于将消息传递到主线程,以完成递增。 主线程将等待来自两个子线程的信号量发布,显示两个变量的增量完成,然后主线程将消息传递给两个子线程,允许进一步递增。

这个目前对我来说很好。 但是,一个人能提出更好的解决方案吗? 或者,任何人都可以在此解决方案中指出问题吗? 任何帮助将不胜感激? 提前致谢。


#include  #include  #include  //Threads pthread_t pth1,pth2; //Values to calculate int x1 = 0, x2 = 0; sem_t c1,c2,c3,c4; void *threadfunc1(void *parm) { for (;;) { x1++; sem_post(&c1); sem_wait(&c3); } return NULL ; } void *threadfunc2(void *parm) { for (;;) { x2++; sem_post(&c2); sem_wait(&c4); } return NULL ; } int main () { sem_init(&c1, 0, 0); sem_init(&c2, 0, 0); sem_init(&c3, 0, 0); sem_init(&c4, 0, 0); pthread_create(&pth1, NULL, threadfunc1, "foo"); pthread_create(&pth2, NULL, threadfunc2, "foo"); sem_wait(&c1); sem_wait(&c2); sem_post(&c3); sem_post(&c4); int loop = 0; while (loop < 8) { // iterated as a step loop++; printf("Initial : x1 = %d, x2 = %d\n", x1, x2); sem_wait(&c1); sem_wait(&c2); printf("Final : x1 = %d, x2 = %d\n", x1, x2); sem_post(&c3); sem_post(&c4); } sem_wait(&c1); sem_wait(&c2); sem_destroy(&c1); sem_destroy(&c2); sem_destroy(&c3); sem_destroy(&c4); printf("Result : x1 = %d, x2 = %d\n", x1, x2); pthread_cancel(pth1); pthread_cancel(pth2); return 1; } 

而不是让一堆线程做x1事情,暂停它们,然后让一堆线程做x2事情,考虑一个线程池。 线程池是一堆线程,它们处于空闲状态,直到你为它们工作,然后它们取消暂停并完成工作。

该系统的一个优点是它使用条件变量和互斥量而不是信号量。 在许多系统中,互斥量比信号量更快(因为它们更有限)。

 // a task is an abstract class describing "something that can be done" which // can be put in a work queue class Task { public: virtual void run() = 0; }; // this could be made more Object Oriented if desired... this is just an example. // a work queue struct WorkQueue { std::vector queue; // you must hold the mutex to access the queue bool finished; // if this is set to true, threadpoolRun starts exiting pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t hasWork; // this condition is signaled if there may be more to do pthread_cond_t doneWithWork; // this condition is signaled if the work queue may be empty }; void threadpoolRun(void* queuePtr) { // the argument to threadpoolRun is always a WorkQueue* WorkQueue& workQueue= *dynamic_cast(queuePtr); pthread_mutex_lock(&workQueue.mutex); // precondition: every time we start this while loop, we have to have the // mutex. while (!workQueue.finished) { // try to get work. If there is none, we wait until someone signals hasWork if (workQueue.queue.empty()) { // empty. Wait until another thread signals that there may be work // but before we do, signal the main thread that the queue may be empty pthread_cond_broadcast(&workQueue.doneWithWOrk); pthread_cond_wait(&workQueue.hasWork, &workQueue.mutex); } else { // there is work to be done. Grab the task, release the mutex (so that // other threads can get things from the work queue), and start working! Task* myTask = workQueue.queue.back(); workQueue.queue.pop_back(); // no one else should start this task pthread_mutex_unlock(&workQueue.mutex); // now that other threads can look at the queue, take our time // and complete the task. myTask->run(); // re-acquire the mutex, so that we have it at the top of the while // loop (where we need it to check workQueue.finished) pthread_mutex_lock(&workQueue.mutex); } } } // Now we can define a bunch of tasks to do your particular problem class Task_x1a : public Task { public: Task_x1a(int* inData) : mData(inData) { } virtual void run() { // do some calculations on mData } private: int* mData; }; class Task_x1b : public Task { ... } class Task_x1c : public Task { ... } class Task_x1d : public Task { ... } class Task_x2a : public Task { ... } class Task_x2b : public Task { ... } class Task_x2c : public Task { ... } class Task_x2d : public Task { ... } int main() { // bet you thought you'd never get here! static const int numberOfWorkers = 4; // this tends to be either the number of CPUs // or CPUs * 2 WorkQueue workQueue; // create the workQueue shared by all threads pthread_mutex_create(&workQueue.mutex); pthread_cond_create(&workQueue.hasWork); pthread_cond_create(&workQueue.doneWithWork); pthread_t workers[numberOfWorkers]; int data[10]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWorkers; i++) pthread_create(&pth1, NULL, &threadpoolRun, &workQueue); // now all of the workers are sitting idle, ready to do work // give them the X1 tasks to do { Task_x1a x1a(data); Task_x1b x1b(data); Task_x1c x1c(data); Task_x1d x1d(data); pthread_mutex_lock(&workQueue.mutex); workQueue.queue.push_back(x1a); workQueue.queue.push_back(x1b); workQueue.queue.push_back(x1c); workQueue.queue.push_back(x1d); // now that we've queued up a bunch of work, we have to signal the // workers that the work is available pthread_cond_broadcast(&workQueue.hasWork); // and now we wait until the workers finish while(!workQueue.queue.empty()) pthread_cond_wait(&workQueue.doneWithWork); pthread_mutex_unlock(&workQueue.mutex); } { Task_x2a x2a(data); Task_x2b x2b(data); Task_x2c x2c(data); Task_x2d x2d(data); pthread_mutex_lock(&workQueue.mutex); workQueue.queue.push_back(x2a); workQueue.queue.push_back(x2b); workQueue.queue.push_back(x2c); workQueue.queue.push_back(x2d); // now that we've queued up a bunch of work, we have to signal the // workers that the work is available pthread_cond_broadcast(&workQueue.hasWork); // and now we wait until the workers finish while(!workQueue.queue.empty()) pthread_cond_wait(&workQueue.doneWithWork); pthread_mutex_unlock(&workQueue.mutex); } // at the end of all of the work, we want to signal the workers that they should // stop. We do so by setting workQueue.finish to true, then signalling them pthread_mutex_lock(&workQueue.mutex); workQueue.finished = true; pthread_cond_broadcast(&workQueue.hasWork); pthread_mutex_unlock(&workQueue.mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&workQueue.mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&workQueue.hasWork); pthread_cond_destroy(&workQueue.doneWithWork); return data[0]; } 


  • 如果你有比CPU更多的任务,那么制作额外的线程只是为CPU提供更多的记账。 线程池接受任意数量的任务,然后使用最有效的CPU数量来处理它们。
  • 如果有比CPU更多的工作(比如4个CPU和1000个任务),那么这个系统非常有效。 互斥锁定/解锁是最便宜的线程同步,你将得到一个无锁队列(这可能比它的价值更多的工作)。 如果你有一堆任务,它会一次只抓一个。
  • 如果您的任务非常小(如上面的增量示例),您可以轻松修改threadPool以一次抓取多个任务,然后按顺序处理它们。

程序的问题在于您正在同步线程以便彼此保持同步运行。 在每个线程中,在每次迭代时,计数器递增,然后调用两个同步原语。 因此,循环体中超过一半的时间用于同步。


对于输出要求,您可以允许每个线程将每个子计算放入主线程可以读取的数组中。 主线程等待每个线程完全完成,然后可以从每个数组读取以创建输出。

 void *threadfunc1(void *parm) { int *output = static_cast(parm); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { x1++; output[i] = x1; } return NULL ; } void *threadfunc2(void *parm) { int *output = static_cast(parm); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { x2++; output[i] = x2; } return NULL ; } int main () { int out1[10]; int out2[10]; pthread_create(&pth1, NULL, threadfunc1, out1); pthread_create(&pth2, NULL, threadfunc2, out2); pthread_join(pth1, NULL); pthread_join(pth2, NULL); int loop = 0; while (loop < 9) { // iterated as a step loop++; printf("Final : x1 = %d, x2 = %d\n", out1[loop], out2[loop]); } printf("Result : x1 = %d, x2 = %d\n", out1[9], out2[9]); return 1; }