


  1. 打开一个文件(让我们称之为A) – fopen()
  2. 打开另一个要写的文件(让我们称之为B) – fopen()
  3. 阅读A – getc()或fread()的内容; 无论你有什么自由
  4. 使您读取的内容大写 – toupper()
  5. 将4步的结果写入B – fwrite()或fputc()或fprintf()
  6. 关闭所有文件句柄 – fclose()


 #include  #include  #define INPUT_FILE "input.txt" #define OUTPUT_FILE "output.txt" int main() { // 1. Open a file FILE *inputFile = fopen(INPUT_FILE, "rt"); if (NULL == inputFile) { printf("ERROR: cannot open the file: %s\n", INPUT_FILE); return -1; } // 2. Open another file FILE *outputFile = fopen(OUTPUT_FILE, "wt"); if (NULL == inputFile) { printf("ERROR: cannot open the file: %s\n", OUTPUT_FILE); return -1; } // 3. Read the content of the input file int c; while (EOF != (c = fgetc(inputFile))) { // 4 & 5. Capitalize and write it to the output file fputc(toupper(c), outputFile); } // 6. Close all file handles fclose(inputFile); fclose(outputFile); return 0; }