
我在C中运行程序。当我运行程序时,我得到了分段错误错误。 在我回溯时它在gdb中告诉我

程序接收信号SIGSEGV,分段故障。 __strlen_sse2_bsf()at ../sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/strlen-sse2-bsf.S:51 51 movdqu(%edi),%xmm1



string s = GetString(); int stringlength = strlen(s); 

当我更改strlen for sizeof错误停止时。



 /* * Reads a line of text from standard input and returns it as a * string (char *), sans trailing newline character. (Ergo, if * user inputs only "\n", returns "" not NULL.) Returns NULL * upon error or no input whatsoever (ie, just EOF). Leading * and trailing whitespace is not ignored. Stores string on heap * (via malloc); memory must be freed by caller to avoid leak. */ string GetString(void) { // growable buffer for chars string buffer = NULL; // capacity of buffer unsigned int capacity = 0; // number of chars actually in buffer unsigned int n = 0; // character read or EOF int c; // iteratively get chars from standard input while ((c = fgetc(stdin)) != '\n' && c != EOF) { // grow buffer if necessary if (n + 1 > capacity) { // determine new capacity: start at 32 then double if (capacity == 0) capacity = 32; else if (capacity <= (UINT_MAX / 2)) capacity *= 2; else { free(buffer); return NULL; } // extend buffer's capacity string temp = realloc(buffer, capacity * sizeof(char)); if (temp == NULL) { free(buffer); return NULL; } buffer = temp; } // append current character to buffer buffer[n++] = c; } // return NULL if user provided no input if (n == 0 && c == EOF) return NULL; // minimize buffer string minimal = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char)); strncpy(minimal, buffer, n); free(buffer); // terminate string minimal[n] = '\0'; // return string return minimal; } 



 string s = GetString(); int stringlength = 0; if (s != 0) stringlength = strlen(s); 


您可能还会注意到typedef char *string;多么混乱typedef char *string; 原因以及它带来的利益微乎其微,并将其铭记于心。 你不必重复那些教你的人的错误。


 // minimize buffer string minimal = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char)); strncpy(minimal, buffer, n); free(buffer); 


 string minimal = realloc(buffer, n + 1); 
