
我正在尝试编写一个非常简单的程序,突出显示如何使用缓冲区溢出漏洞绕过受密码保护的系统。 代码如下:

#include  #include  int main(void) { char buff[15]; char tempbuff[15]; int pass = 0; printf("\n Enter a password of length between 1 and 15 characters : \n"); gets(buff); //strcpy("%s",buff); printf("\n Enter your password : \n"); gets(tempbuff); //strcpy("%s",tempbuff); if(strcmp(tempbuff, buff)) { printf ("\n Wrong Password \n"); } else { printf ("\n Correct Password \n"); pass = 1; } if(pass) { /* Now Give root or admin rights to user*/ printf ("\n Root privileges given to the user \n"); } return 0; } 

本质上,当我被要求第二次输入我的密码时,我试图通过输入一个大于15个字符的字符串来将pass变量的值从0改为1。 但是,到目前为止我还没能这样做。 任何帮助将非常感谢!

通过对代码的一次更改,我能够在OS X中利用您的程序。 那就是在tempbuff之前定义pass 。 在tempbuff之前声明pass意味着pass被放置在tempbuff上的tempbuff之后,因此溢出的tempbuff将覆盖pass 。 我能够在lldb (或gdb )中检查passtempbuff的地址。


 #include  #include  int main(void) { char buff[15]; int pass = 0; char tempbuff[15]; printf("\n Enter a password of length between 1 and 15 characters : \n"); gets(buff); printf("\n Enter your password : \n"); gets(tempbuff); if(strcmp(tempbuff, buff)) { printf ("\n Wrong Password \n"); } else { printf ("\n Correct Password \n"); pass = 1; } if(pass) printf ("\n Root privileges given to the user \n"); return 0; } 

编译: gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g -fno-stack-protector buf.c -o buf


 safepassword 1234567890123456 


 $ ./buf < over Enter a password of length between 1 and 15 characters : warning: this program uses gets(), which is unsafe. Enter your password : Wrong Password Root privileges given to the user 

无法保证为局部变量分配内存的顺序,并且无法保证它们将位于连续的位置。 以下修改后的代码应该适用于大多数系统。 它使用了结构元素被分配连续内存位置的事实(还要注意,数组大小已经更改以避免填充。)

 #include  #include  struct app { char buff[16]; char tempbuff[16]; int pass; }; int main(void) { struct app app; app.pass = 0; printf("\n Enter a password of length between 1 and 15 characters : \n"); gets(app.buff); //strcpy("%s",buff); printf("\n Enter your password : \n"); gets(app.tempbuff); //strcpy("%s",tempbuff); if(strcmp(app.tempbuff, app.buff)) { printf ("\n Wrong Password \n"); } else { printf ("\n Correct Password \n"); app.pass = 1; } if(app.pass) { /* Now Give root or admin rights to user*/ printf ("\n Root privileges given to the user \n"); } return 0; }