
我试图从内存卡文件中提取jpeg文件。 程序将一次读取512字节块,如果块以JPEG识别字节开头,我的程序应该将这些字节写入输出文件。 它应该继续写入这些字节,直到它找到另一个JPEG识别字节序列,此时它应该停止写入.jpg文件并写入新文件。 每个文件应命名为00x.jpg,其中x是#。

我的程序编译但不生成所有jpeg。 应该有16个JPEG,但它只产生7个。

int main(void) { // open file for reading FILE* file = fopen("card.raw", "r"); // Open the file for reading // target file FILE* image; // buffer of bytes uint8_t buffer[512]; // check for NULL file if (file == NULL) { fclose(file); printf("Could not open file"); return 1; } // Prefixes of a jpeg file uint8_t jpeg1[4] = {0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe0}; uint8_t jpeg2[4] = {0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe1}; // keep track of jpegs opened int pic = 0; int match = 0; // is file open? int open = 0; // stores first 4 bytes of block uint8_t check[4]; int byteNum; byteNum = fread(buffer, 512, 1, file); // while there are bytes to be read in the file while(fread(buffer,512, 1, file) > 0) { for (int x=0; x < 4; x++) { check[x] = buffer[x]; } // compares first 4 bytes of buffer segment to jpeg prefixes to determine match if((memcmp(check, jpeg1,4) == 0) || (memcmp(check, jpeg2, 4) == 0)) { match = 1; } // if encounter a jpeg and file is open, close the file and set match to false if (match == 1 && open == 1) { fclose(image); open = 0; match = 0; } // if match is true and file is closed, create jpeg output file, increment pic#, set file to open, set match to false, open target file if (match == 1 && open == 0) { // stores name of jpegfile char jpegName[8]; // stores the jpeg file name with the # jpeg sprintf(jpegName ,"%03d.jpg" ,pic); pic++; open = 1; // signifies target jpeg file is open match = 0; // sets match back to 0 (false) so it can detect the next match to signify closing the writing image=fopen(jpegName, "w"); // write to target file image } // if file target is still open but no match, then keep writing since you're in the middle of a jpeg if (match == 0 && open == 1) { fwrite(buffer, 512, 1, image); } } fclose(file); return 0; } 


您可以使用image的值(null或不是)来指示文件是否被打开。 此外,只有在打开文件时才写入数据( image != NULL) ,如果在循环到下一个文件之前打开则关闭现有文件。


 #include  #include  #include  #include  int main(void) { // Prefixes of a jpeg file static const uint8_t jpeg1[4] = {0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe0}; static const uint8_t jpeg2[4] = {0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe1}; // open file for reading FILE* file = fopen("card.raw", "r"); // Open the file for reading if (file == NULL) { perror("card.raw"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // target file FILE* image = NULL; // keep track of jpegs opened int pic = 0; // while there are bytes to be read in the file uint8_t buffer[512]; size_t n_bytes = 0; while( (n_bytes = fread(buffer,1, 512, file)) > sizeof(jpeg1)) { // compares first 4 bytes of buffer segment to jpeg prefixes to determine match if( memcmp(buffer, jpeg1, sizeof(jpeg1)) == 0 || memcmp(buffer, jpeg2, sizeof(jpeg2)) == 0) { // stores the jpeg file name with the # jpeg char jpegName[64]; sprintf(jpegName ,"00%d.jpg" , pic++); // match. close current file if present. if (image) fclose(image); // open new image file (sets NULL on failure) image = fopen(jpegName, "wb"); // write to target file image if (image == NULL) { perror(jpegName); break; } } // write whatever we have for our current bytes if (image) fwrite(buffer, n_bytes, 1, image); } // the above loop can exit with a file open (in fact, it is guaranteed // if we opened at least one file), so close it if one is active. if (image) fclose(image); } 

或类似的东西。 这也以二进制模式打开和关闭文件,如果它小于偶数512字节,则不会在最后一帧写入无关的垃圾。 最后,它会在每个创建的文件上增加pic ,并且具有(通常是软的)错误检查量。

无论如何,希望它有所帮助。 祝你好运。