
我陷入了困境。 这不是家庭作业,我只是以简单的方式呈现问题。

我需要一个矩阵打印函数,矩阵作为参数与行和列数信息一起传递。 矩阵在堆栈上分配。


void matrix_print(uint8_t (*mat)[MAT_COL], int row, int col) 


 print mat[i_row][i_col]; 



 void matrix_print(uint8_t *in_mat, int row, int col) { uint8_t (*mat)[col] = in_mat; // typecast "col" is an arg // access them as eariler print mat[i_row][i_col]; } 

这种方法有什么问题吗? C中这个问题的标准解决方案是什么?


 void matrix_print(int row, int col, uint8_t in_mat[row][col]) 

我想你可以选择一个结构来帮助你处理这个类型。 如果类型与您的设计相关,您应该明确说明。

以下是Ansi-C版本,因为您将C / C ++编写为标记。 在C ++中,您可以使矩阵成为一个类。

 typedef struct { int * data; int IsAllocated; unsigned row_max; unsigned col_max; } Matrix; void Matrix_construct(Matrix * m, int cols, int rows); void Matrix_destruct(Matrix * m, int cols, int rows); static int Private_GetElement(Matrix * m, unsigned col, unsigned row, int * element); void Matrix_print(Matrix * m); void Matrix_construct(Matrix * m, int cols, int rows) { m->col_max = cols; m->row_max = rows; m->data = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * cols * rows); m->IsAllocated = 1; } void Matrix_destruct(Matrix * m, int cols, int rows) { m->col_max = 0; m->row_max = 0; if(m->IsAllocated) { free(m->data); m->IsAllocated = 0; } } static int Private_GetElement(Matrix * m, unsigned col, unsigned row, int * element) { int e = 0; if(m && element && col < m->col_max && row < m->row_max && m->IsAllocated) { *element = m->data[col + row * m->col_max]; } else { e |= 1; } return e; } void Matrix_print(Matrix * m) { unsigned col, row; int element; for( col = 0; col < m->col_max; ++col) { for( row = 0; row < m->row_max; ++row) { if(!Private_GetElement(m, col, row, &element)) { printf("%i", element); } } printf("\n"); } } 


使用不同的大小会导致在上面的示例中更改结构, Matrix_print应该仍然按预期工作。



我使用这些链接在gcc C11 / C99中为这个问题做了一个“终极”解决方案:



 //compile with gcc --std=c11 program.c #include  #include  #define MV(array, ncolumns, i, j) array[i * ncolumns + j] #define MX 9 #define MY 14 void input_matrix(int row, int column, double matrix[row][column]); void print_matrix(int row, int column, double matrix[row][column]); int main() { int i=MX, j=MY; printf("Generate input values and print matrices with functions fn(int w, int k, double matrix[w][k]) (in C99 and C11)\n"); double matrix1[i][j]; input_matrix(MX,MY,matrix1); printf("matrix static\n"); print_matrix(MX,MY,matrix1); double **matrix2; matrix2=malloc(MX*sizeof(double*)); matrix2[0] = (double *)malloc(MX*MY*sizeof(double)); for(i = 1; i < MX; i++) matrix2[i] = matrix2[0]+i*MY; input_matrix(MX,MY,(double (*)[])(*matrix2)); printf("matrix two times allocated one for pointers, the second for data (double (*)[])(m[0])\n"); print_matrix(MX,MY,(double (*)[])(matrix2[0])); free(*matrix2); free(matrix2); double *matrix3; matrix3=malloc(MX*MY*sizeof(double)); input_matrix(MX,MY,(double (*)[])matrix3); printf("matrix alocated as twodimensional array\n"); print_matrix(MX,MY,(double (*)[])matrix3); free(matrix3); j=MY; double (*matrix4)[j]; matrix4 = (double (*)[])malloc(MX * sizeof(*matrix4)); input_matrix(MX,MY,matrix4); printf("matrix alocated as an array of pointers to arrays m = (double (*)[])malloc(MX * sizeof(*m))\n"); print_matrix(MX,MY,matrix4); free(matrix4); printf("\nThe End!\n"); return 0; } void input_matrix(int row, int column, double matrix[row][column]){ for(int i=0; i 


 void matrix_print(uint8_t *in_mat, int row, int col) { uint8_t (*mat)[col] = (uint8_t (*)[col])in_mat; // access them like mat[y][x]; } 


 void matrix_print(uint8_t *in_mat, int row, int col) { // access them like mat[x + y*col]; }