
我需要编写一个程序,将文件内容复制到另一个文件并将其反转。 我找到了一个例子,并通过阅读来了解发生了什么。 问题是我的程序必须使用两个函数:

void reverse(char line[]){ int i; int length; char tmp; .. .. .. return; } 



 #include #include void reverse(char line[]) { int i; int length; char temp; if (line == NULL) return; length = strlen(line); for (i = 0 ; i < length / 2 + length % 2 ; ++i) { if (line[i] == line[length - i - 1]) continue; temp = line[i]; line[i] = line[length - i - 1]; line[length - i - 1] = temp; } return; } int main() { FILE *src_fh, *dst_fh; char src_fn[256+1], dst_fn[256+1]; printf("Enter Source File Name:\n"); fgets(src_fn, sizeof(src_fn), stdin); reverse(src_fn); if( (src_fh = fopen(src_fn, "r")) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: Source File %s Failed To Open...\n",src_fn); return(-1); } printf("Enter Destination File Name:\n"); fgets(dst_fn, sizeof(dst_fn), stdin); reverse(dst_fn); if( (dst_fh = fopen(dst_fn, "w+")) == NULL ) { fclose(src_fh); printf("ERROR: Destination File %s Failed To Open...\n",dst_fn); return(-2); } int ch; while( (ch = fgetc(src_fh)) != EOF ) { fputc(ch, dst_fh); } fclose(src_fh); fclose(dst_fh); return 0; } 


你实际上不需要int temp变量,但因为它似乎是必需的,所以它就是

 void reverse(char line[]) { int i; int length; char temp; if (line == NULL) return; length = strlen(line); for (i = 0 ; i < length / 2 + length % 2 ; ++i) { if (line[i] == line[length - i - 1]) continue; temp = line[i]; line[i] = line[length - i - 1]; line[length - i - 1] = temp; } return; } 

这是一个改进版本,没有int temp ,而是我们存储length / 2 + length % 2的结果,所以不会在每次迭代时重新计算

 void reverse(char line[]) { int i; int length; int half; if (line == NULL) return; length = strlen(line); half = length / 2 + length % 2; for (i = 0 ; i < half ; ++i) { if (line[i] == line[length - i - 1]) continue; line[length] = line[i]; line[i] = line[length - i - 1]; line[length - i - 1] = line[length]; } line[length] = '\0'; return; } 


对于第二个函数,使用fgets读取每一行并使用fprintf将其写入文件,只记得从读取字符串中删除换行符,如果不删除换行符,可以使用发布的chomp函数y ,反转的行将在行的开头有换行符。

原型void reverse(char line[])中的参数名称line似乎给出了一个提示,给定的练习可能是如何解决的。

  1. 将文件拆分为行
  2. 反转每一行
  3. 颠倒线的顺序


在这种情况下,你会遇到很大的麻烦,找到line[]的结尾为’\ 0’终止可能会与行中的文字’\ 0’混淆。

作为一种解决方法,您可能会尝试用序列’\ 0”x’替换’/ 0’的任何文字出现,并在将行传递给它之前用序列’\ 0” – ‘或其他任何内容标记行的结尾reverse()并在将反向行写入文件后重新划分替换。


 the following code 1) incorporates proper error checking 2) outputs each input line, reversed, to the output file. #include  #include  #include  char* chomp(char* p) { int len; if(!p) return(p); if( (len=strlen(p))<=0 ) return(p); if( p[len-1] == '\n' ) { p[--len] = '\0'; } if( p[len-1] == '\r' ) { p[--len] = '\0'; } return(p); } // end function: chomp int main() { /* Create Usable Variables */ FILE *src_fh = NULL; FILE *dst_fh = NULL; char src_fn[256+1] = {'\0'}; char dst_fn[256+1] = {'\0'}; char line[2048] = {'\0'}; /* Retrieve Source File Name From User */ printf("Enter Source File Name:\n"); if( NULL == (fgets(src_fn, sizeof(src_fn), stdin) ) ) { // fgets failed perror("fgets for input file name failed" ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // implied else, fgets successful chomp(src_fn); // remove trailing newline characters /* Attempt Opening Source File For Reading */ if( (src_fh = fopen(src_fn, "r")) == NULL ) { perror( "fopen failed" ); printf("ERROR: Source File %s Failed To Open...\n",src_fn); return(-1); } // implied else, fopen source file successful /* Retrieve Destination File Name From User */ printf("Enter Destination File Name:\n"); if( NULL == (fgets(dst_fn, sizeof(dst_fn), stdin) ) ) { // then fgets failed perror( "fgets for output file name failed" ); fclose(src_fh); // cleanup exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // implied else, fgets for output file name successful chomp(dst_fn); // remove trailing newline characters /* Attempt Opening Destination File For Writing */ if( NULL == (dst_fh = fopen(dst_fn, "w")) ) { perror( "fopen for output file failed" ); fclose(src_fh); // cleanup printf("ERROR: Destination File %s Failed To Open...\n",dst_fn); return(-2); } // implied else, fopen for output file successful int index; /* Copy Source File Contents (reversed, line by line) to destination file */ while( NULL != (fgets(line, sizeof(line), src_fh) ) ) { chomp(line); // remove trailing newline characters index = strlen(line) - 1; // -1 because arrays start with offset 0 // and strlen returns offset to '\0' // output reversed line to file while( index >= 0 ) { fputc( line[index], dst_fh ); index--; } // end while fputc( '\n', dst_fh ); } // end while /* Close Files On Success */ fclose(src_fh); fclose(dst_fh); return 0; } // end function: main