



char a = 5; printf("binary representation of a = %b",a); > 101 



 #include  /* only needed for the printf() in main(). */ #include  /* Create a string of binary digits based on the input value. Input: val: value to convert. buff: buffer to write to must be >= sz+1 chars. sz: size of buffer. Returns address of string or NULL if not enough space provided. */ static char *binrep (unsigned int val, char *buff, int sz) { char *pbuff = buff; /* Must be able to store one character at least. */ if (sz < 1) return NULL; /* Special case for zero to ensure some output. */ if (val == 0) { *pbuff++ = '0'; *pbuff = '\0'; return buff; } /* Work from the end of the buffer back. */ pbuff += sz; *pbuff-- = '\0'; /* For each bit (going backwards) store character. */ while (val != 0) { if (sz-- == 0) return NULL; *pbuff-- = ((val & 1) == 1) ? '1' : '0'; /* Get next bit. */ val >>= 1; } return pbuff+1; } 


 #define SZ 32 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int n; char buff[SZ+1]; /* Process all arguments, outputting their binary. */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { n = atoi (argv[i]); printf("[%3d] %9d -> %s (from '%s')\n", i, n, binrep(n,buff,SZ), argv[i]); } return 0; } 

使用"progname 0 7 12 52 123"运行它以获得:

 [ 1] 0 -> 0 (from '0') [ 2] 7 -> 111 (from '7') [ 3] 12 -> 1100 (from '12') [ 4] 52 -> 110100 (from '52') [ 5] 123 -> 1111011 (from '123') 

没有直接的方法(即使用printf或其他标准库函数)来打印它。 你必须编写自己的函数。

 /* This code has an obvious bug and another non-obvious one :) */ void printbits(unsigned char v) { for (; v; v >>= 1) putchar('0' + (v & 1)); } 


 void printbits(unsigned char v) { printf("%*s", (int)ceil(log2(v)) + 1, ""); for (; v; v >>= 1) printf("\x1b[2D%c",'0' + (v & 1)); } 

根据dirkgently的答案 ,但修复他的两个错误,并始终打印固定数字的数字:

 void printbits(unsigned char v) { int i; // for C89 compatability for(i = 7; i >= 0; i--) putchar('0' + ((v >> i) & 1)); } 
 #include #include #include using namespace std; void displayBinary(int n) { char bistr[1000]; itoa(n,bistr,2); //2 means binary u can convert n upto base 36 printf("%s",bistr); } int main() { int n; cin>>n; displayBinary(n); getch(); return 0; } 


 char *table[16] = {"0000", "0001", .... "1111"}; 


 printf("%s%s", table[a / 0x10], table[a % 0x10]); 



 char* pBinFill(long int x,char *so, char fillChar); // version with fill char* pBin(long int x, char *so); // version without fill #define width 64 char* pBin(long int x,char *so) { char s[width+1]; int i=width; s[i--]=0x00; // terminate string do { // fill in array from right to left s[i--]=(x & 1) ? '1':'0'; // determine bit x>>=1; // shift right 1 bit } while( x > 0); i++; // point to last valid character sprintf(so,"%s",s+i); // stick it in the temp string string return so; } 
 char* pBinFill(long int x,char *so, char fillChar) { // fill in array from right to left char s[width+1]; int i=width; s[i--]=0x00; // terminate string do { s[i--]=(x & 1) ? '1':'0'; x>>=1; // shift right 1 bit } while( x > 0); while(i>=0) s[i--]=fillChar; // fill with fillChar sprintf(so,"%s",s); return so; } 
 void test() { char so[width+1]; // working buffer for pBin long int val=1; do { printf("%ld =\t\t%#lx =\t\t0b%s\n",val,val,pBinFill(val,so,0)); val*=11; // generate test data } while (val < 100000000); } Output: 00000001 = 0x000001 = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001 00000011 = 0x00000b = 0b00000000000000000000000000001011 00000121 = 0x000079 = 0b00000000000000000000000001111001 00001331 = 0x000533 = 0b00000000000000000000010100110011 00014641 = 0x003931 = 0b00000000000000000011100100110001 00161051 = 0x02751b = 0b00000000000000100111010100011011 01771561 = 0x1b0829 = 0b00000000000110110000100000101001 19487171 = 0x12959c3 = 0b00000001001010010101100111000011 

你必须编写自己的转型。 格式说明符仅支持十进制,hex和八进制数。

在C语言中没有直接的格式说明符。 虽然我写了这个快速python片段,以帮助您逐步了解该过程,以推动自己的。

 #!/usr/bin/python dec = input("Enter a decimal number to convert: ") base = 2 solution = "" while dec >= base: solution = str(dec%base) + solution dec = dec/base if dec > 0: solution = str(dec) + solution print solution 


dec = input(“输入要转换的十进制数字:”) – 提示用户输入数字(例如,有多种方法可以通过scanf在C中执行此操作)

base = 2 – 指定我们的基数为2(二进制)

solution =“” – 创建一个空字符串,我们将连接我们的解决方案

而dec> = base: – 而我们的数字大于输入的数字

solution = str(dec%base)+ solution – 获取数字的模数到基数,并将其添加到字符串的开头(我们必须使用除法和余数方法从右到左添加数字)。 str()函数将操作的结果转换为字符串。 没有类型转换,你不能在python中将整数与字符串连接起来。

dec = dec / base – 在预制中将十进制数除以基数以取下一个模数

如果dec> 0: solution = str(dec)+解决方案 – 如果遗留任何内容,将其添加到开头(如果有的话,这将是1)

打印解决方案 – 打印最终编号