


J5 J15 J25 J30 J35 


 J0 23 56 J5 24 58 J10 26 60 J15 29 63 J20 31 36 J25 23 32 J30 51 14 J35 34 21 J40 46 12 

问题是我必须检查FILE A和FILE B的内容,并将Jth项的值复制到一个新文件中:(FILE C):

 J5 24 58 J15 29 63 J25 23 32 J30 51 14 J35 34 21 

如果你制定一个C代码来解决这个问题,那将会很有帮助。 谢谢。


  • 你需要用结构格式化每个文件它会在第一个文件中使用结构[1]你只需要一个成员名称(char数组),在第二个结构[2]你需要三个成员名称(char数组) )和2个值(我想两个整数),第三个与第二个相同,所以你可以重新利用它。


 /* Struct for the first file. */ typedef { char name[4]; } file1_t; 


 /* Struct for the second file. */ typedef { char name[4]; int value1, value2; } file2_t; 
  • 要创建这些文件,您必须使用这样的代码(假设文件以“wb”模式打开,但未创建):

     /* This is an incomplete example (I can't make your whole Homework)*/ void file2Creator( FILE *fPtr ) { int i; // Counter to create the file. file2_t data = { "", 0, 0 }; // A blank example to format the file. /* You will create 9 consecutive records*/ for( i = 1; i <= 9; i++ ){ fwrite( &data, sizeof( file2_t ), 1, fPtr ); } fclose( fPtr ); // You can close the file here or later however you need. } 
  • 之后你必须填写你做的空格(我想文件是打开的):

     void fillFile2( FILE *fPtr) { int position; file2_t data = { "", 0, 0 }; printf( "Enter the position to fill (1-9) 0 to finish:\n?" ); scanf( "%d", &position ); while( position != 0 ){ printf( "Enter the name, and the two other values (integers):\n?" ); fscanf( stdin, "%s%d%d", data.name, data.value1, data.value2 ); /* You have to seek the pointer. */ fseek( fPtr, ( position - 1 ) * sizeof( file2_t ), SEEK_SET ); fwrite( &data, sizeof( file2_t ), 1, fPtr ); printf( "Enter a new position (1-9) 0 to finish:\n?" ); scanf( "%d", &position ); } fclose( fPtr ); //You can close the file or not, depends in what you need. } 
  • 现在我想你有file1,文件2和文件3格式化,文件1和2被填充,你想填写文件3如何做到这一点? 简单。

     /* 3 pointers to each file */ void fillFile3( FILE *f1Ptr, FILE *f2Ptr, FILE *f3Ptr ) { int i, j, k, number; char word[ 4 ]; file1_t data1 = { "" }; file2_t data2, data3 = { "", 0, 0 }; k = 1; /* I suppose that files are opened with their correctly FILE pointers. */ for( i = 1; i <= 5; i++ ){ /* I locate in the "i" position of the file1. */ fseek( f1Ptr, ( i - 1 ) * sizeof( file1_t ), SEEK_SET ); /* I read the slot. */ fread( &data1, sizeof( file1_t ), 1, f1Ptr ); /*Now we compare the file2 until we find the correct value, if it is organized we can jump some slots if not compare with all.*/ for( j = 1; j <= 9, j++ ){ fseek( f2Ptr, ( j - 1 ) * sizeof( file2_t ), SEEK_SET ); fread( &data2, sizeof( file2_t ), 1, f2Ptr ); /* We compare the strings, If they are equal we paste the value in file 3*/ if( strcmp( data1.name, data2.name ) == 0 ){ /*file 3 is of type of the file 2*/ fseek( f3Ptr, ( k - 1 ) * sizeof( file2_t ), SEEK_SET ); fwrite( &data2, sizeof( file2_t ), 1, f3Ptr ); k++; break; } } } fclose( f1Ptr ); fclose( f2Ptr ); fclose( f3Ptr ); } 


 if( strcmp( A[i][j], B[i][j] ) == 0 ){ printf( "%s /n %s ", strcmp( A[i][j], B[i][j] ) ); } 


 #include  #include  int main() { FILE *fp1 ,*fp2; char ca , cb; int i,j,x,s; char A[i][j],B[i][j]; char file1[1024], file2[1024]; printf( "Enter file1: ", file1 ); gets( file1 ); printf( "Enter file2: ",file2 ); gets( file2 ); fp1=fopen( file1, "r"); if ( fp1 == NULL ){ printf("Cannot open %s for reading \n", file1 ); exit(1); } while ( ( fgets( file1, sizeof file1, stdin ) ) != EOF ){ for(i=0;i<2500;i++){ for(j=0;j<5;j++){ fscanf(fp1,"%s",&A[i][j]); } } } fp2 = fopen( file2, "r"); if ( fp2 == NULL ){ printf("Cannot open %s for reading \n", file2 ); exit( 1 ); } while ( fgets ( file2, sizeof file2, stdin) != EOF){ for( i = 0; i < 2500; i++ ){ for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ ){ fscanf(fp2,"%s",&B[i][j]); } } } /*Here it was a ; without any sense (after the if)*/ if( strcmp( A[i][j], B[i][j] ) ) == 0; { printf( "%s /n %s ", strcmp( A[i][j], B[i][j] ) ); } fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); return 0; } 

编译器显示语法错误befor“==”令牌(strcmp函数底部的第8行)。 任何帮助?