
我无法理解以下atoi实现代码,特别是这一行: k = (k<<3)+(k<<1)+(*p)-'0';


 int my_atoi(char *p) { int k = 0; while (*p) { k = (k<<3)+(k<<1)+(*p)-'0'; p++; } return k; } 


另一个问题: atof实现算法应该是什么?

 k = (k << 3) + (k << 1); 


 k = k * 2³ + k * 2¹ = k * 8 + k * 2 = k * 10 


*p - '0'项加上下一个数字的值; 这是有效的,因为C要求数字字符具有连续值,因此'1' == '0' + 1'2' == '0' + 2等。

关于你的第二个问题( atof ),这应该是它自己的问题,而且它是论文的主题,而不是简单的回答......

<<是位移, (k<<3)+(k<<1)k*10 ,由某人写,虽然他比编译器更聪明(好吧,他错了......)

(*p) - '0'p指向的字符减去0 ,有效地将字符转换为数字。


请注意,这是符合标准的atoi实现。 很抱歉没有引用标准,但这样可以正常工作(来自: http : //www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdlib/atoi/ )

该函数首先丢弃尽可能多的空白字符(如在isspace中),直到找到第一个非空白字符。 然后,从该字符开始,采用可选的初始加号或减号,后跟尽可能多的10位数字,并将它们解释为数值。



 #include  #include  #include  double atof(const char *string); int debug=1; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *str1="3.14159",*str2="3",*str3="0.707106",*str4="-5.2"; double f1,f2,f3,f4; if (debug) printf("convert %s, %s, %s, %s\n",str1,str2,str3,str4); f1=atof(str1); f2=atof(str2); f3=atof(str3); f4=atof(str4); if (debug) printf("converted values=%f, %f, %f, %f\n",f1,f2,f3,f4); if (argc > 1) { printf("string %s is floating point %f\n",argv[1],atof(argv[1])); } } double atof(const char *string) { double result=0.0; double multiplier=1; double divisor=1.0; int integer_portion=0; if (!string) return result; integer_portion=atoi(string); result = (double)integer_portion; if (debug) printf("so far %s looks like %f\n",string,result); /* capture whether string is negative, don't use "result" as it could be 0 */ if (*string == '-') { result *= -1; /* won't care if it was 0 in integer portion */ multiplier = -1; } while (*string && (*string != '.')) { string++; } if (debug) printf("fractional part=%s\n",string); // if we haven't hit end of string, go past the decimal point if (*string) { string++; if (debug) printf("first char after decimal=%c\n",*string); } while (*string) { if (*string < '0' || *string > '9') return result; divisor *= 10.0; result += (double)(*string - '0')/divisor; if (debug) printf("result so far=%f\n",result); string++; } return result*multiplier; } 

这是我的实现(成功测试了包含字母,+, – 和零开头的案例)。 我试图在Visual Studio中对 atoi函数进行逆向工程。 如果输入字符串仅包含数字字符,则可以在一个循环中实现。 但它变得复杂,因为你应该照顾+和字母。

 int atoi(char *s) { int c=1, a=0, sign, start, end, base=1; //Determine if the number is negative or positive if (s[0] == '-') sign = -1; else if (s[0] <= '9' && s[0] >= '0') sign = 1; else if (s[0] == '+') sign = 2; //No further processing if it starts with a letter else return 0; //Scanning the string to find the position of the last consecutive number while (s[c] != '\n' && s[c] <= '9' && s[c] >= '0') c++; //Index of the last consecutive number from beginning start = c - 1; //Based on sign, index of the 1st number is set if (sign==-1) end = 1; else if (sign==1) end = 0; //When it starts with +, it is actually positive but with a different index //for the 1st number else { end = 1; sign = 1; } //This the main loop of algorithm which generates the absolute value of the //number from consecutive numerical characters. for (int i = start; i >=end ; i--) { a += (s[i]-'0') * base; base *= 10; } //The correct sign of generated absolute value is applied return sign*a; } 

有趣的是,atoi的手册页并没有表示errno的设置,所以如果你说的是任何数字>(2 ^ 31)-1,你运气不好,同样数字小于-2 ^ 31(假设32 -bit int)。 你会得到一个答案,但它不会是你想要的。 如果出错,这里可以采用 – ((2 ^ 31)-1)到(2 ^ 31)-1的范围,并返回INT_MIN( – (2 ^ 31))。 然后可以检查errno以查看它是否溢出。

 #include  #include  /* for errno */ #include  /* for INT_MIN */ #include  /* for strerror */ extern int errno; int debug=0; int atoi(const char *c) { int previous_result=0, result=0; int multiplier=1; if (debug) printf("converting %s to integer\n",c?c:""); if (c && *c == '-') { multiplier = -1; c++; } else { multiplier = 1; } if (debug) printf("multiplier = %d\n",multiplier); while (*c) { if (*c < '0' || *c > '9') { return result * multiplier; } result *= 10; if (result < previous_result) { if (debug) printf("number overflowed - return INT_MIN, errno=%d\n",errno); errno = EOVERFLOW; return(INT_MIN); } else { previous_result *= 10; } if (debug) printf("%c\n",*c); result += *c - '0'; if (result < previous_result) { if (debug) printf("number overflowed - return MIN_INT\n"); errno = EOVERFLOW; return(INT_MIN); } else { previous_result += *c - '0'; } c++; } return(result * multiplier); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { int result; printf("INT_MIN=%d will be output when number too high or too low, and errno set\n",INT_MIN); printf("string=%s, int=%d\n","563",atoi("563")); printf("string=%s, int=%d\n","-563",atoi("-563")); printf("string=%s, int=%d\n","-5a3",atoi("-5a3")); if (argc > 1) { result=atoi(argv[1]); printf("atoi(%s)=%d %s",argv[1],result,(result==INT_MIN)?", errno=":"",errno,strerror(errno)); if (errno) printf("%d - %s\n",errno,strerror(errno)); else printf("\n"); } return(errno); }