
我正在学习使用GSL来解决ODE问题。 我想用GSL ODE函数解决双摆问题。 我决定使用这个等式: 双摆锤

(来源: http : //www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~wheat/dpend_html/ )


#include  #include  #include "gsl/gsl_errno.h" #include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h" #include "gsl/gsl_odeiv2.h" #include "constants.h" double L1; double L2; double M1; double M2; double T_START; double T_END; double S1_ANGLE; double S2_ANGLE; double V1_INIT; double V2_INIT; int func(double t, const double y[], double f[], void *params) { /* * y[0] = theta_2 * y[1] = omega_1 * y[2] = theta_1 * y[3] = omega_2 */ f[0] = y[1]; double del = y[2] - y[1]; double den1 = (M1 + M2) * L1 - M2 * L1 * cos(del) * cos(del); f[1] = (M2 * L1 * y[1] * y[1] * sin(del) * cos(del) + M2 * G * sin(y[2]) * cos(del) + M2 * L2 * y[3] * y[3] * sin(del) - (M1 + M2) * G * sin(y[0])) / den1; f[2] = y[3]; double den2 = (L2 / L1) * den1; f[3] = (-M2 * L2 * y[3] * y[3] * sin(del) * cos(del) + (M1 + M2) * G * sin(y[0]) * cos(del) - (M1 + M2) * L1 * y[1] * y[1] * sin(del) - (M1 + M2) * G * sin(y[2])) / den2; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* * Arguments list: * 1 - length of pendulum 1 * 2 - length of pendulum 2 * 3 - mass of pendulum 1 * 4 - mass of pendulum 2 * 5 - start time (seconds) * 6 - end time (seconds) * 7 - initial angle of 1 pendulum (degrees) * 8 - initial angle od 2 pendulum * 9 - initial angular velocity of 1 pendulum (deegres per second) * 10 - initial angular velocity of 2 pendulum */ if (argc != 11) { printf("Wrong number of arguments... \n"); exit(1); } //Attribution of arguments L1 = atof(argv[1]); L2 = atof(argv[2]); M1 = atof(argv[3]); M2 = atof(argv[4]); T_START = atof(argv[5]); T_END = atof(argv[6]); S1_ANGLE = atof(argv[7]); S2_ANGLE = atof(argv[8]); V1_INIT = atof(argv[9]); V2_INIT = atof(argv[10]); //converting to radians S1_ANGLE=S1_ANGLE*PI/180.0; S2_ANGLE=S2_ANGLE*PI/180.0; V1_INIT=V1_INIT*PI/180.0; V2_INIT=V2_INIT*PI/180.0; printf("L1:%f\nL2: %f\nM1 :%f\nM2:%f\nT_START:%f\nT_END:%f\nS1_ANGLE: %f \nS2_ANGLE: %f\nV1_INIT: %f \nV2_INIT: %f \n", L1,L2,M1,M2,T_START,T_END,S1_ANGLE,S2_ANGLE,V1_INIT,V2_INIT); gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {func, NULL, 4, NULL}; gsl_odeiv2_driver *d = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new(&sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rk4, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0); double y[4] = {S2_ANGLE,V1_INIT,S1_ANGLE,V2_INIT}; double t = T_START; for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { double ti = i * (T_END - T_START) / 100.0; int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply(d, &t, ti, y); printf("%.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e \n", t, y[0], y[1],y[2],y[3]); } return 0; } 


gsl:driver.c:354:错误:集成限制和/或步进方向不一致调用默认GSLerror handling程序。


它确实是y中参数的顺序。 在引用的来源中它是“自然”顺序,你混合的原因并不是很清楚。 给某些子表达式赋予名称,ODE函数也可以写成

 int func(double t, const double y[], double f[], void *params) { double th1 = y[0], w1 = y[1]; double th2 = y[2], w2 = y[3]; f[0] = w1; // dot theta_1 = omega_1 f[2] = w2; // dot theta_2 = omega_2 double del = th2 - th1; double den = (M1 + M2) - M2 * cos(del) * cos(del); double Lwws1 = L1 * (w1*w1) * sin(del); double Lwws2 = L2 * (w2*w2) * sin(del); double Gs1 = G*sin(th1), Gs2 = G*sin(th2); f[1] = (M2 * (Lwws1 + Gs2) * cos(del) + M2 * Lwws2 - (M1 + M2) * Gs1) / (L1*den); f[3] = (-M2 * Lwws2 * cos(del) + (M1 + M2) * ( Gs1 * cos(del) - Lwws1 - Gs2) / (L2*den); return GSL_SUCCESS; } 


  double y[4] = {S1_ANGLE,V1_INIT,S2_ANGLE,V2_INIT}; 


如果您有兴趣,也可以将C ++与odeint库一起使用。 用于双摆系统。 对于矩阵我使用Eigen并且为了解决ODE我使用odeint ,因此这是你的问题的代码。

 #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  using namespace std; using namespace boost::numeric::odeint; typedef std::vector< double > state_type; void equations(const state_type &y, state_type &dy, double x) { const double m1(0.5), m2(0.5), L1(0.1), L2(0.1), g(9.81); Eigen::MatrixXd M(2, 2), C(2, 1), B(2,1); /* Theta 1 = y[0] dTheta 1 = y[1] = dy[0] ddTheta 1 = dy[1] Theta 2 = y[2] dTheta 2 = y[3] = dy[2] ddTheta 2 = dy[3] */ double delta(y[0] - y[2]); M << (m1 + m2)*L1, m2*L2*cos(delta), m2*L1*cos(delta), m2*L2; C << m2*L1*L2*y[3]*y[3]*sin(delta) + g*(m1 + m2)*sin(y[0]), -m2*L1*y[1]*y[1]*sin(delta) + m2*g*sin(y[2]); //#####################( ODE Equations )################################ dy[0] = y[1]; dy[2] = y[3]; B = M.inverse() * (-C); dy[1] = B(0,0); dy[3] = B(1,0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const double dt = 0.01; runge_kutta_dopri5 < state_type > stepper; double pi = boost::math::constants::pi(); state_type y(4); // initial values y[0] = pi/3.0; // Theta 1 y[1] = 0.0; // dTheta 1 y[2] = pi/4.0; // Theta 2 y[3] = 0.0; // dTheta 2 for (double t(0.0); t <= 5; t += dt){ cout << fixed << setprecision(2); std::cout << "t: " << t << " Theta 1: " << y[0] << " dTheta 1: " << y[1] << " Theta 2: " << y[2] << " dTheta 2: " << y[3] << std::endl; stepper.do_step(equations, y, t, dt); } } 

