
关于function,我有一点点。 我相信这可能是因为我没有使用它们。 我的代码如下:

/*date difference calculator*/ #include  int main() { int Date1 = 0, Date2 = 0, Dif, F, L, D1, D2, M1, M2, Y1, Y2; int x[13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; int y[13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; char A1, A2, B1, B2; /*input first date*/ fprintf (stderr , "Enter first date,in the form // or --.\nWhere , and  are integers:\n"); (scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D1, &A1, &M1, &B1, &Y1)); /*check first date*/ if (!(Y1 % 4)) x[2]=29; while ((Y1  9999)) || (M1  12) || (D1  x[M1]) || (A1 != B1) || ((A1 != '/') && (A1 != '-'))) { fprintf (stderr, "Incorrect format, re-enter date:\n"); scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D1, &A1, &M1, &B1, &Y1); if (!(Y1 % 4)) x[2]=29; } /*print first date*/ fprintf (stderr, "First date = %i%c%i%c%i\n", D1 , A1 , M1 , B1 , Y1); /*input second date*/ fprintf (stderr , "Enter second date,in the form // or --.\nWhere , and  are integers:\n"); (scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D2, &A2, &M2, &B2, &Y2)); /*check second date*/ if (!(Y2 % 4)) y[2]=29; while ((Y2  9999)) || (M2  12) || (D2  y[M2]) || (A2 != B2) || ((A2 != '/') && (A2 != '-'))) { fprintf (stderr, "Incorrect format, re-enter date:\n"); scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D2, &A2, &M2, &B2, &Y2); if (!(Y2 % 4)) y[2]=29; } /*print second date*/ fprintf (stderr, "Second date = %i%c%i%c%i\n", D2 , A2 , M2 , B2 , Y2); /*convert first date into days*/ for (F = 1; Y1 > F ; F++) { if (F % 4 == 0) (Date1 = Date1 + 366); else (Date1 = Date1 + 365); } for (L = 1; M1 > L ; L++) Date1 = Date1 + x[L]; Date1 = Date1 + D1; /*convert second date into days*/ for (F = 1; Y2 > F ; F++) { if (F % 4 == 0) (Date2 = Date2 + 366); else (Date2 = Date2 + 365); } for (L = 1; M2 > L ; L++) Date2 = Date2 + y[L]; Date2 = Date2 + D2; /*standard output*/ Dif = Date2 - Date1; printf("\n%i\n\n" , Dif); /*text output*/ if (Date2 > Date1) {Dif = Date2 - Date1; fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the first date is %i days before second date.\n" , Dif);} if (Date1 > Date2) {Dif = Date1 - Date2; fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the second date is %i days before first date.\n" , Dif);} if (Date1 == Date2) fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the first date is equal to second date.\n"); } 

使用此编译时: gcc -Wall -ansi date1.c -o date1会发生以下情况:

 date1.c: In function 'main': date1.c:70:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type] 

是否有一个简单的解决方案,或者我必须编写我的程序才能正常使用函数? 我无法改变编译代码的方式,因为它必须遵循设定的规范。



您只需要在某个时刻从主函数return 。 错误消息表明该函数被定义为返回一个值,但您没有返回任何内容。

  /* .... */ if (Date1 == Date2) fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the first date is equal to second date.\n"); return 0; } 

您也可以使用EXIT_SUCCESS而不是return 0; 。 宏EXIT_SUCCESS实际上定义为零,但使您的程序更具可读性。