在C中,(x == y == z)的行为与我期望的一样吗?

我可以比较三个变量,如下所示,而不是if((x==y)&&(y==z)&&(z=x)) ? [如果所有三个变量具有相同的值,则应执行if语句。 这些是布尔。]

 if(debounceATnow == debounceATlast == debounceATlastlast) { debounceANew = debounceATnow; } else { debounceANew = debounceAOld; } 


x == y转换为int,得到01 ,并将结果与z进行比较。 因此,当且仅当(x is equal to y and z is 1) or (x is not equal to y and z is 0) x==y==z将产生真(x is equal to y and z is 1) or (x is not equal to y and z is 0)


 if(x == y && x == z) 

否。等式检查从左侧关联,逻辑结果被比较为一个数字,因此表达式2 == 2 == 1解析为(2 == 2) == 1 ,这反过来给出1 == 1结果为1 ,这可能不是你想要的。


 int main() { const int first = 27, second = first, third = second, fourth = third; if (!((first & second & third) ^ fourth)) return 1; return 0; }