
我正在尝试制作一个暂停执行的程序, 直到信号到达 。 然后,在信号到达后,我只想让我的代码从原来的位置继续执行 。 我不希望它执行函数处理程序或任何其他。 有一个简单的方法吗? 我已经挣扎了一个星期左右,在这里和那里阅读,并没有设法得到一个完整的操作代码。

特别是,我希望主程序创建一个等待某个特定事件发生的线程 (例如,用户已经向stdin输入了一些数据)。 与此同时,主程序正在做一些事情,但在某些时候它会暂停执行,直到收到信号。



/* * This code SHOULD start a thread that gets messages from stdin. * If the message is a "quit", the thread exits. Otherwise it raises * a signal that should be caught by the main program. * The main program simply waits for the message unless a timer of * 5.5 seconds expires before receiving the signal from the thread. */ #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #define BSIZE 100 /* Buffer size */ sigset_t mask; pthread_t tid; //struct itimerval timervalue; int milisec = 5500; /* Timeout: 5,5 seconds */ int end = 0; char buffer[BSIZE]; //Function prototypes void init(void); void * thread_job(void *); void message_rcvd(void); void wait_for_message_or_timeout(void); int start_timer(struct itimerval, int); int stop_timer(struct itimerval); void on_signal(int); // MAIN: Wait for message or timeout int main(int argc, char ** argv) { init(); while(!end){ wait_for_message_or_timeout(); if(!end) printf("Message received [%s]\n", buffer); } return 0; } // INIT: Initializes the signals that the program will wait for // and creates a thread that will eventually generate a signal void init() { /* Init the signals I want to wait for with sigwait() */ sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1); sigaddset(&mask, SIGALRM); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL); //signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGUSR1, on_signal); /* Create the thread and put it to work */ pthread_t tid; pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread_job, NULL); } void on_signal(int signum){ printf("on_signal\n"); } // THREAD CODE ------------- // THREAD JOB: When the user inputs a message, it passes the message // to the main thread by invoking message_rcvd() void * thread_job(){ int end = 0; while(!end){ printf("Input message:"); if (fgets(buffer, BSIZE, stdin) != NULL) message_rcvd(); } } // MESSAGE RECEIVED: If message is not equal to "quit" raise a signal void message_rcvd(){ if(strcmp(buffer, "quit") == 0){ exit(0); }else{ printf("Going to raise SIGUSR1..."); if(raise(SIGUSR1) == 0) printf("raised!\n"); } } // WAIT: Should wait for signal SIGUSR1 for some time void wait_for_message_or_timeout(){ int sigid; struct itimerval t; /* Set a timer to prevent waiting for ever*/ printf("Setting timer...\n"); start_timer(t, milisec); /* Put the process to wait until signal arrives */ sigwait(&mask, &sigid); switch(sigid){ case SIGUSR1: printf("Received SIGUSR1: Message avaible!\n"); break; case SIGALRM: printf("Received SIGALRM: Timeout\n"); end = 1; break; default: printf("Unknown signal received\n"); break; } printf("Stopping timer...\n"); /* Stop timer */ stop_timer(t); } // START TIMER: I don't want the timer to cause the execution // of a handler function int start_timer(struct itimerval timervalue, int msec) //int start_timer(int msec) { timervalue.it_interval.tv_sec = msec / 1000; timervalue.it_interval.tv_usec = (msec % 1000) * 1000; timervalue.it_value.tv_sec = msec / 1000; timervalue.it_value.tv_usec = (msec % 1000) * 1000; if(setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timervalue, NULL)) { printf("\nsetitimer() error\n"); return(-1); } return(0); } // STOP TIMER: int stop_timer(struct itimerval timervalue) //int stop_timer() { timervalue.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; timervalue.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; timervalue.it_value.tv_sec = 0; timervalue.it_value.tv_usec = 0; if(setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timervalue, NULL)) { printf("\nsetitimer() error\n"); return(-1); } return(0); } 


 ./signaltest Setting timer... Input message:hello Going to raise SIGUSR1...raised! Input message:friend Going to raise SIGUSR1...raised! Input message:Received SIGALRM: Timeout Stopping timer... 

正如您所看到的,信号SIGUSR1正在被提升并且sigwait正被解除阻塞。 但是,在信号提出后,代码似乎不会继续。 (请注意,我不需要信号处理程序,但我只是为了调试目的而添加。我用sigprocmask阻止了它的执行)

为什么SIGUSR1解锁sigwait但执行不会从那里继续? 解锁后有没有办法让它继续下去? 这似乎适用于SIGALRM,但为什么不适用于SIGUSR1?


如果你想知道为什么我不通过不使用线程来更简单地执行此代码是因为这实际上不是我正在实现的代码,而只是一个更简单的示例,使我的问题更清楚。 我实际上是在尝试实现一个网络协议API,类似于我自己的协议的套接字API。



在multithreading程序中, raise函数向当前线程发送信号,在这种情况下是thread_job线程。 所以主线程永远不会看到信号。



 pthread_t main_tid; 


 void init() { main_tid = pthread_self(); ... 

然后在message_rcvd ,使用pthread_kill

  if(pthread_kill(main_tid, SIGUSR1) == 0) printf("raised!\n"); 

另外,删除thread_jobend的定义,并删除inittid的定义。 这些定义掩盖了同名的全局变量。


 Setting timer... Input message:hello Going to raise SIGUSR1...raised! Input message:Received SIGUSR1: Message avaible! Stopping timer... Message received [hello ] Setting timer... test Going to raise SIGUSR1...raised! Input message:Received SIGUSR1: Message avaible! Stopping timer... Message received [test ] Setting timer... Received SIGALRM: Timeout Stopping timer...