

要按值传递或返回结构到函数,请加载cffi-libffi系统并将结构指定为(:struct structure-name) 。 要传递或返回指针,可以使用:pointer(:pointer (:struct structure-name))

我正在重新包装cl-opencv函数get-size ,它是这个opencv函数的包装器:

 CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) 


  (defmacro make-structure-serializers (struct slot1 slot2) "Create a serialization and deserialization function for the structure STRUCT with integer slots SLOT1 and SLOT2. These functions will pack and unpack the structure into an INT64." (let ((pack-fn (intern (concatenate 'string (string struct) (string '->int64)))) (slot1-fn (intern (concatenate 'string (string struct) "-" (string slot1)))) (slot2-fn (intern (concatenate 'string (string struct) "-" (string slot2)))) (unpack-fn (intern (concatenate 'string (string 'int64->) (string struct)))) (make-fn (intern (concatenate 'string (string 'make-) (string struct))))) `(progn (defun ,pack-fn (s) (+ (,slot1-fn s) (ash (,slot2-fn s) 32))) (defun ,unpack-fn (n) (,make-fn ,slot1 (logand n #x00000000ffffffff) ,slot2 (ash n -32)))))) ;; CvSize - Input = (defparameter a (make-size :width 640 :height 480)) Output = #S(SIZE :WIDTH 640 :HEIGHT 480) for ;; following the two. (defstruct size (width 0) (height 0)) (make-structure-serializers :size :width :height) ;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) (cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" %get-size) :int64 (arr cv-array)) (defun get-size (arr) "Get the dimensions of the OpenCV array ARR. Return a size struct with the dimensions." (let ((nsize (%get-size arr))) (int64->size nsize))) 


我打算更新cl-opencv软件包,我想知道cl-opencv软件包在哪里以及如何按照CFFI文档“加载cffi-libffi系统”,以及“将结构指定为(:struct structure-name)在哪里)” (:struct structure-name) “和”使用:pointer或(:pointer(:struct structure-name))“”传递或返回指针。“


 ;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) (cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" %get-size) :int64 (arr cv-array)) (defun get-size (arr) "Get the dimensions of the OpenCV array ARR. Return a size struct with the dimensions." (let ((nsize (%get-size arr))) (int64->size nsize))) 




 CL-OPENCV> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi-libffi) # NIL 


  CL-OPENCV> (cffi:defcstruct cv-size (width :int) (height :int)) (:STRUCT CV-SIZE) CL-OPENCV> (defcfun ("cvGetSize" %get-size) (:struct cv-size) (arr cv-array)) ; in: DEFCFUN ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) ; ("cvGetSize" CL-OPENCV::%GET-SIZE) ; ; caught ERROR: ; illegal function call ; ; compilation unit finished ; caught 1 ERROR condition Execution of a form compiled with errors. Form: ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) Compile-time error: illegal function call [Condition of type SB-INT:COMPILED-PROGRAM-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request. 1: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 2: [ABORT] Abort thread (#) Backtrace: 0: ((LAMBDA ())) [No Locals] 1: (SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) #) Locals: SB-DEBUG::ARG-0 = ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) SB-DEBUG::ARG-1 = # 2: (SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (DEFCFUN ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) (:STRUCT CV-SIZE) (ARR CV-ARRAY)) #) Locals: SB-DEBUG::ARG-0 = (DEFCFUN ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) (:STRUCT CV-SIZE) (ARR CV-ARRAY)) SB-DEBUG::ARG-1 = # 3: (EVAL (DEFCFUN ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) (:STRUCT CV-SIZE) (ARR CV-ARRAY))) Locals: 


 (ql:quickload "lisp-unit") (in-package :gsl) (lisp-unit:run-tests) To load "lisp-unit": Load 1 ASDF system: lisp-unit Loading "lisp-unit" .................................. Unit Test Summary | 4023 assertions total | 4022 passed | 1 failed | 0 execution errors | 0 missing tests # 

它似乎没有用(:struct cv-size)作为问题调用defcfun,因为当我把它称为

 (defcfun ("cvGetSize" %get-size) cv-size (arr cv-array)) 


 Execution of a form compiled with errors. Form: ("cvGetSize" %GET-SIZE) Compile-time error: 


 CL-OPENCV> ;; ;(cffi:foreign-type-size '(:struct ipl-image)) = 144 (cffi:defcstruct ipl-image (n-size :int) (id :int) (n-channels :int) (alpha-channel :int) (depth :int) (color-model :pointer) (channel-seq :pointer) (data-order :int) (origin :int) (align :int) (width :int) (height :int) (roi :pointer) (mask-roi :pointer) (image-id :pointer) (tile-info :pointer) (image-size :int) (image-data :string) (width-step :int) (border-mode :pointer) (border-const :pointer) (image-data-origin :string)) output>(:STRUCT IPL-IMAGE) 

和我的create-image包装器现在加载cffi-libffi并且你的(:struct ipl-image)在它上运行正常但是…显示输出

 ;; IplImage* cvCreateImage(CvSize size, int depth, int channels) (cffi:defcfun ("cvCreateImage" %create-image) (:struct ipl-image) (size :int64) (depth :int) (channels :int)) (defun create-image (size depth channels) "Create an image with dimensions given by SIZE, DEPTH bits per channel, and CHANNELS number of channels." (let ((nsize (size->int64 size))) (%create-image nsize depth channels))) 



 (defparameter img-size (make-size :width 640 :height 480)) (defparameter img (create-image img-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 1)) 


但是当我使用ipl-image而不是(:struct ipl-image)运行create image wrapper时


  (defparameter img-size (make-size :width 640 :height 480)) (defparameter img (create-image img-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 1)) 


  (cffi:with-foreign-slots (( n-size id n-channels alpha-channel depth color-model channel-seq data-order origin align width height roi mask-roi image-id tile-info image-size image-data width-step border-mode border-const image-data-origin) img (:struct ipl-image)) (cffi:mem-ref img :char ) (format t "n-size ~a ~%" n-size) (format t "id ~a ~%" id) (format t "n-channels ~a ~%" n-channels) (format t "alpha-channel ~a ~%" alpha-channel) (format t "depth ~a ~%" depth) (format t "color-model ~a ~%" color-model) (format t "channel-seq ~a ~%" channel-seq) (format t "data-order ~a ~%" data-order) (format t "origin ~a ~%" origin) (format t "align ~a ~%" align) (format t "width ~a ~%" width) (format t "height ~a ~%" height) (format t "roi ~a ~%" roi) (format t "mask-roi ~a ~%" mask-roi) (format t "image-id ~a ~%" image-id) (format t "tile-info ~a ~%" tile-info) (format t "image-size ~a ~%" image-size) (format t "image-data ~a ~%" image-data) (format t "width-step ~a ~%" width-step) (format t "border-mode ~a ~%" border-mode) (format t "border-const ~a ~%" border-const) (format t "image-data-origin ~a ~%" image-data-origin)) output> n-size 144 id 0 n-channels 1 alpha-channel 0 depth 8 color-model #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X59415247) channel-seq #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X400000000) data-order 640 origin 480 align 0 width 0 height 0 roi #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X00000000) mask-roi #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X00000000) image-id #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X0004B000) tile-info #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FFFF7F04020) image-size 640 image-data NIL width-step 0 border-mode #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X00000000) border-const #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X00000000) image-data-origin 


  color-model #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X59415247) 

当我用c输入那个值img-> colorModel时

 IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); cout << "colorModel = " << endl << " " <colorModel << endl < colorModel = RGB 




  CL-OPENCV> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi-libffi) # NIL CL-OPENCV> ;; ;(cffi:foreign-type-size '(:struct cv-size)) = 8 (cffi:defcstruct cv-size (width :int) (height :int)) ;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) (cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" %get-size) (:struct cv-size) (arr cv-array)) STYLE-WARNING: redefining CL-OPENCV::%GET-SIZE in DEFUN %GET-SIZE CL-OPENCV> (defparameter img-size (make-size :width 640 :height 480)) (defparameter img (create-image img-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 1)) IMG CL-OPENCV> (defparameter size (%get-size img)) SIZE CL-OPENCV> size (HEIGHT 480 WIDTH 640) CL-OPENCV> 





  The value (HEIGHT 480 WIDTH 640) is not of type SB-SYS:SYSTEM-AREA-POINTER. [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] 


  CL-OPENCV> (defun get-size (arr) "Get the dimensions of the OpenCV array ARR. Return a size struct with the dimensions." (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((width height) (%get-size arr) (:struct cv-size)) (make-size :width width :height height))) STYLE-WARNING: redefining CL-OPENCV:GET-SIZE in DEFUN GET-SIZE CL-OPENCV> (defparameter img-size (make-size :width 640 :height 480)) (defparameter img (create-image img-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 1)) IMG CL-OPENCV> (defparameter size (get-size img)) The value (HEIGHT 480 WIDTH 640) is not of type SB-SYS:SYSTEM-AREA-POINTER. [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] 


 (defparameter size (get-size img)) 

访问你的defun …我跟踪它所以当我刚刚运行 – 显示输出:

 CL-OPENCV> ;; ;(cffi:foreign-type-size '(:struct cv-size)) = 8 (cffi:defcstruct cv-size (width :int) (height :int)) ;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) (cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" %get-size) (:struct cv-size) (arr cv-array)) STYLE-WARNING: redefining CL-OPENCV::%GET-SIZE in DEFUN %GET-SIZE CL-OPENCV> (defparameter capture (create-camera-capture 0)) CAPTURE CL-OPENCV> (defparameter frame (query-frame capture)) FRAME CL-OPENCV> (defparameter size (%get-size frame)) SIZE CL-OPENCV> size (HEIGHT 480 WIDTH 640) CL-OPENCV> (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((width height) size (:struct cv-size)) (list width height )) 


 The value (HEIGHT 480 WIDTH 640) is not of type SB-SYS:SYSTEM-AREA-POINTER. [Condition of type 



 (HEIGHT 480 WIDTH 640) CL-OPENCV> (first size) HEIGHT 



 (defparameter capture (create-camera-capture 0)) (defparameter frame (query-frame capture)) 

因为它有一个更纯粹的输出… create-image使用了get-size的hackery i oroginally发布在这个顶部?

我想使用create-image和get-size w / o所有的hackery只是使用结构返回所以我可以停止使用make-size并使它更纯净….所以任何建议都会是黄金……这就是我想要创造图像的方式…我只需要接受你(Rord’s)defcfun的输出……我现在要把你的defcfun输出转换((高) 480 WIDTH 640))指针…所以它将在此运行

 ;; IplImage* cvCreateImage(CvSize size, int depth, int channels) (cffi:defcfun ("cvCreateImage" %create-image) ipl-image (size cv-size) (depth :int) (channels :int)) 



 (defun get-size (arr) "Get the dimensions of the OpenCV array ARR. Return a size struct with the dimensions." (setf arr (%get-size arr)) (make-size :width (cadddr arr) :height (cadr arr))) 



 here is the repl output : ; SLIME 2012-05-25 CL-OPENCV> ;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) (cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" get-size) (:pointer (:struct cv-size)) (arr cv-array)) STYLE-WARNING: redefining CL-OPENCV:GET-SIZE in DEFUN GET-SIZE CL-OPENCV> ;; IplImage* cvCreateImage(CvSize size, int depth, int channels) (cffi:defcfun ("cvCreateImage" create-image) (:pointer (:struct ipl-image)) (size (:pointer (:struct ipl-image))) (depth :int) (channels :int)) STYLE-WARNING: redefining CL-OPENCV:CREATE-IMAGE in DEFUN CREATE-IMAGE CL-OPENCV> (defun detect-red-objects (&optional (camera-index 0)) "Uses IN-RANGE-SCALAR to detect red objects" (with-capture (capture (create-camera-capture camera-index)) (let ((window-name-1 "Video") (window-name-2 "Ball")) (named-window window-name-1) (named-window window-name-2) (move-window window-name-1 290 225) (move-window window-name-2 940 225) (do* ((frame (query-frame capture) (query-frame capture)) (img (clone-image frame)) (frame (clone-image img)) (img-size (get-size frame)) (img-hsv (create-image img-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 3)) (img-hsv-size (get-size img-hsv)) (img-thresh (create-image img-hsv-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 1)) (scalar-1 (make-cv-scalar 170.0 160.0 60.0)) (scalar-2 (make-cv-scalar 180.0 256.0 256.0))) ((plusp (wait-key *millis-per-frame*)) nil) (smooth frame frame +gaussian+ 3 3) (cvt-color frame img-hsv +bgr2hsv+) (in-range-s img-hsv scalar-1 scalar-2 img-thresh) (smooth img-thresh img-thresh +gaussian+ 3 3) (show-image window-name-1 frame) (show-image window-name-2 img-thresh)) (destroy-all-windows)))) DETECT-RED-OBJECTS (the function detect-red-objects runs btw!... 

编辑!!!!我把它全部展开!!!!! ……部分…. II – 更好!

 I messed up the struct on create-image the first time but it still ran...weird...but it runs when put the create-image struct back to cv-size....so no prob there...here is revised repl output ; SLIME 2012-05-25 CL-OPENCV> ;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) (cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" get-size) (:pointer (:struct cv-size)) (arr cv-array)) STYLE-WARNING: redefining CL-OPENCV:GET-SIZE in DEFUN GET-SIZE CL-OPENCV> ;; IplImage* cvCreateImage(CvSize size, int depth, int channels) (cffi:defcfun ("cvCreateImage" create-image) (:pointer (:struct ipl-image)) (size (:pointer (:struct cv-size))) (depth :int) (channels :int)) STYLE-WARNING: redefining CL-OPENCV:CREATE-IMAGE in DEFUN CREATE-IMAGE CL-OPENCV> (defun detect-red-objects (&optional (camera-index 0)) "Uses IN-RANGE-SCALAR to detect red objects" (with-capture (capture (create-camera-capture camera-index)) (let ((window-name-1 "Video") (window-name-2 "Ball")) (named-window window-name-1) (named-window window-name-2) (move-window window-name-1 290 225) (move-window window-name-2 940 225) (do* ((frame (query-frame capture) (query-frame capture)) (img (clone-image frame)) (frame (clone-image img)) (img-size (get-size frame)) (img-hsv (create-image img-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 3)) (img-hsv-size (get-size img-hsv)) (img-thresh (create-image img-hsv-size +ipl-depth-8u+ 1)) (scalar-1 (make-cv-scalar 170.0 160.0 60.0)) (scalar-2 (make-cv-scalar 180.0 256.0 256.0))) ((plusp (wait-key *millis-per-frame*)) nil) (smooth frame frame +gaussian+ 3 3) (cvt-color frame img-hsv +bgr2hsv+) (in-range-s img-hsv scalar-1 scalar-2 img-thresh) (smooth img-thresh img-thresh +gaussian+ 3 3) (show-image window-name-1 frame) (show-image window-name-2 img-thresh)) (destroy-all-windows)))) DETECT-RED-OBJECTS 



 (cffi:defcstruct (cv-size :class cv-size-type) (width :int) (height :int)) (defmethod cffi:translate-from-foreign (p (type cv-size-type)) (let ((plist (call-next-method))) (make-size :width (getf plist 'width) :height (getf plist 'height)))) 


 ;; CvSize cvGetSize(const CvArr* arr) (cffi:defcfun ("cvGetSize" get-size) (:struct cv-size) (arr cv-arr)) ;; IplImage* cvCreateImage(CvSize size, int depth, int channels) (cffi:defcfun ("cvCreateImage" %create-image) ipl-image (size :int64) (depth :int) (channels :int)) (defun create-image (size depth channels) "Create an image with dimensions given by SIZE, DEPTH bits per channel, and CHANNELS number of channels." (let ((nsize (size->int64 size))) (%create-image nsize depth channels))) 

这是size-> int64的定义




 (defmethod cffi:translate-from-foreign (p (type cv-size-type)) (let ((plist (call-next-method))) (make-size :width (getf plist 'width) :height (getf plist 'height)))) 

要“加载cffi-libffi系统”,您需要在库的.asd文件中将其指定为依赖项。 (注意:cffi-libffi需要在您的系统上安装C库libffi。)

为了能够使用(:struct structure-name) ,你需要首先用cffi:defcstruct定义结构,就像这样(我假设cffi:defcstructcffi:defcfuncffi:with-foreign-slots是在当前包中导入):

 (defcstruct cv-size (width :int) (height :int)) 

然后你可以在defcfun使用(:struct cv-size) ,如下所示:

 (defcfun ("cvGetSize" %get-size) (:struct cv-size) (arr cv-array)) 

编辑 :修复了传递值结构的get-size


 (defun get-size (arr) "Get the dimensions of the OpenCV array ARR. Return a size struct with the dimensions." (let ((%size (%get-size arr))) (make-size :width (getf %size 'width) :height (getf %size 'height)))) 



 (defmethod cffi:translate-from-foreign (p (type cv-size-type)) (with-foreign-slots ((width height) p (:struct cv-size)) (make-size :width width :height height))) 

您不必定义%get-sizeget-size 。 相反,你可以定义

 (defcstruct (cv-size :class cv-size-type) (width :int) (height :int)) (defmethod cffi:translate-from-foreign (p (type cv-size-type)) (let ((plist (call-next-method))) (make-size :width (getf plist 'width) :height (getf plist 'height)))) 


这样做的好处是,只要你有一个返回cv-size的函数,它就会自动被翻译。 并且,如果您要传递cv-size的外部函数,请为cffi:translate-into-foreign-memory定义适当的方法。 如果在指向结构的指针上使用mem-aref,您也将自动获得翻译。 或者,如果你打电话给cffi:convert-from-foreign。

在这个例子中,我使用了默认的plist转换方法; 如果你希望直接访问插槽而不需要调用(call-next-method),你可以。

(顺便说一下,你之所以认为CFFI无法按价值传递结构的原因是它直到最近才能通过; cffi-libffi是在0.11.0版本的基础上推出的。)

你只需要添加:class xxx to cffi:defcstruct then (cffi:defmethod translate-into-foreign-memory (object (type xxx) pointer) yyyy) ,它会自动将值传递给外部函数!! 惊人!!

并且(cffi:defmethod translate-from-foreign (pointer (type xxx)) zzzz)会将返回的结构数据转换为lisp数据。

更多信息,请查看我的答案 ^ _ ^