

最常用的是uint64_t和标准int 。 但是我想知道我是否可以安全地在他们之间进行混合操作。

例如,我有一个uint64_t ,我想为它添加一个int并将该值存储为另一个uint64_t

做这样的事情安全吗? 在我可以对它进行操作之前,是否必须将intuint64_t

我不能在网上找到关于它的东西。 它可能只是被允许,没有人质疑它或我的谷歌查询是错误的。



您的编译器将负责转换。 唯一要担心的是溢出 – 如果将结果存储在小于输入的容器中。

您需要的Google搜索字词是“隐式类型转换” – 请参阅http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/ratdevz/v8r5/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.tpf.toolkit.compilers .DOC%2Fref%2Flangref_os390%2Fcbclr21011.htm



 Operand Type Conversion ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has long double type | The other operand is converted to long double type. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has double type | The other operand is converted to double. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has float type | The other operand is converted to float. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has unsigned long long int type | The other operand is converted to unsigned long long int. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has long long int type | The other operand is converted to long long int. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has unsigned long int type | The other operand is converted to unsigned long int. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has unsigned int type | and the other operand has long int type | and the value of the unsigned int can be | represented in a long int | The operand with unsigned int type is converted to long int. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has unsigned int type | and the other operand has long int type | and the value of the unsigned int cannot be | represented in a long int | Both operands are converted to unsigned long int ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has long int type | The other operand is converted to long int. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- One operand has unsigned int type | The other operand is converted to unsigned int. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Both operands have int type | The result is type int. ---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- 



因此,因为intunsigned int具有相同的级别,所以可以添加它们,并且当您添加它们时, int将转换为unsigned int ,将结果再次保留为unsigned int