
我正在尝试将csv文件中的数据读入结构中。 该结构包含int,char和float成员。 我收到错误,除了char成员。 我对C很新,所以感谢你的帮助!


0, cafe, 3.90, 0 0, espresso, 3.50, 0 ... 


 typedef struct { int position; char name[20]; float price; int counter; }drink; void init(drink *pt) { FILE *fp; char buf[50]; int i = 0, j; fp=fopen("Order", "r"); while( fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) != NULL) { strcpy(pt[i].position, strtok(buf,",")); strcpy(pt[i].name, strtok(NULL,",")); strcpy(pt[i].price, strtok(NULL,",")); strcpy(pt[i].counter, strtok(NULL,",")); ++i; } } int main() { int number = NR; int d=0; drink bar[number]; drink *pt = &bar[0]; welcome(); init(pt); ... return 0; } 

  1. 错误的副本。

不要使用strcpy()将字符串复制到int 。 而是转换它。

 // strcpy(pt[i].position, strtok(buf,",")); char *endptr; pt[i].position = strtol(strtok(buf,","), &endptr, 10); // or pt[i].position = atoi(strtok(buf,",")); ... pt[i].price = strtod(strtok(NULL,","), &endptr); 


  1. 启用所有编译器警告。 这将节省您的时间,因为您的编译器应该抓住它。
  2. 如果您遇到错误,编译时间或运行时间,请发布错误而不是将错误描述为“收到错误”。

你没有使用strcpy正确。 您应该只将它与char缓冲区一起使用,而不是与整数和浮点数一起使用。

阅读man strcpy以获取更多相关信息。

 // to extract a integer from a char buffer into a int value, use atoi() not strcpy // to extract a float from a char buffer into a float value, use atof(), not strcpy // the last field in a line probably does not have a trailing ',' // and the last field should already be '\0' terminated by the fgets // so the code should use something else to get a pointer to the last field // the calls to strtok() should be setting a char* field from the returned value // then // 1) that value can be checked for NULL // 2) getting a pointer to the last field would be // returnedValue+=2; // (the 2 to skip over the intervening ' ' after the converted comma // all the copying/converting of the fields need to advance the // returnedValue by 1 to skip over the leading ' ', // except the first field, which has no leading ' ' // the #define for 'NR' should be used in the function so as to // not overflow the available number of input fields // for most of the break; statements, you may want to add a printf // so the user knows what happened // suggest: #include  #include  #include  #define NR (20) #define MAX_NAME_LEN (20) typedef struct { int position; char name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; float price; int counter; } drink; void init(drink *pt) { char buf[50]; int i = 0; // loop counter //int j = 0; // comment out or compiler will raise a warning about unused variable char * returnFromStrtok = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; if( NULL == (fp=fopen("Order", "r")) ) { // then, fopen failed perror( "fopen failed for: Order" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // implied else, fopen successful for( i = 0; i