

typedef struct{ int red, green, blue; } COLOR; COLOR * getNextColor(FILE *fd); COLOR **getColors(FILE *fd, int width, int height){ printf("\nentered get colors"); COLOR **colors = malloc(sizeof(COLOR*)*height); printf("\nallocated %d space height",height); int i,j; for(i = 0; i < height; i++, colors++){ *colors = malloc(sizeof(COLOR)*width); printf("\nallocated %d space width",width); for(j = 0; j < width; j++, *colors++){ printf("\nlooping through to get the colors for point (%d,%d)", j,i); //*colors = getNextColor(fd); } *colors -= width; printf("\nmoved the pointer for *colors back %d spaces",width); } colors -= height; printf("\nmoved the pointer for colors back %d spaces",height); return colors; } 

我传入的文件指针当前指向第一种颜色的第一个数字,宽度= 400,高度为530.输出如下所示:

 allocated 530 space height allocated 400 space width looping through to get the colors for point (0,0) looping through to get the colors for point (1,0) looping through to get the colors for point (2,0) ... looping through to get the colors for point (398,0) looping through to get the colors for point (399,0) moved the pointer for *colors back 400 spaces allocated 400 space width looping through to get the colors for point (0,1) looping through to get the colors for point (1,1) ... looping through to get the colors for point (398,1) looping through to get the colors for point (399,1) moved the pointer for *colors back 400 spaces allocated 400 space width 


 looping through to get the colors for point (399,36) 

然后崩溃。 有任何想法吗?

*colors++存在问题,这可能并不意味着你的想法。 这是由于运算符优先级,最高优先级有后缀增量/减量运算符,低优先级有间接性。 所以*colors++实际上意味着*(colors)++没有多大意义。 你可能意味着(*colors)++