
struct nouedls { char * path; char * name; struct nouedls * suiv; }; typedef struct nouedls nouedls; typedef nouedls * listes; listes ajouters(listes ls, char * path , char* name) { nouedls * x=malloc(sizeof(x)); listes auxl; x->path=malloc(strlen(path)*sizeof(char)); x->name=malloc(strlen(name)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(x->path,path); strcpy(x->name,name); x->suiv=NULL; if (ls==NULL){ ls=x; } else { auxl=ls; while(auxl->suiv!=NULL) { auxl=auxl->suiv; } auxl->suiv=x; } return(ls); } void makepath(char* path){ char ch2 [400]; int i=0 ; int k=0 ; while (path[i]!='\n') { if (path[i]!='\\') { ch2[k]=path[i] ; i++ ; k++ ; } else { ch2[k]=path[i] ; k++ ; ch2[k]='\\' ; k++ ; i++ ; } } ch2[k]='\0' ; } void menu (char*path){ FILE *fp; char *fname = "MyScript.bat"; FILE *f ; listes menu=malloc(sizeof(menu)) ; char upath [400]; char name [260] ; menu=NULL ; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "wt")) == NULL) {fatal("Cannot open script file");} makebatfd(fp, "MyDirectory",path); if (fclose (fp)) {fatal("Cannot close script file");} system("MyScript.bat>menu.txt");//make the menu .txt file nom(path) ;//makes the name.txt file if ((fp = fopen("menu.txt", "r+")) == NULL) {fatal("Cannot open menu file");} if ((f = fopen("name.txt", "r+")) == NULL) {fatal("Cannot open name file");} printf("path") ; while (fgets(upath,400,fp)!= NULL ) { makepath(upath) ;//it handles the character '\' fgets(name,260,f) ; printf("%s",upath) ; menu=ajouters(menu,upath,name) ; printf("path") ; } if (fclose (f)) {fatal("Cannot close name file");} if (fclose (fp)) {fatal("Cannot close menu file");} } 

menufunction创建一个文件menu.txt ,其中包含文件路径和另一个文件名name.txt包含这些文件的名称。 我想把这些文件中包含的信息放在一个列表中使用它可以工作的函数但是在某一行它崩溃了(我只放了我怀疑的function,因为其他function完美)



 nouedls * x=malloc(sizeof(x)); 

 nouedls * x=malloc(sizeof(*x)); // *x == struct nouedls, x == struct nouedls * 



 x->path=malloc(strlen(path) + 1); //+ 1 to hold the terminating null, sizeof(char) == 1 always. 

