
最近我接受了采访。 我做得不好因为我遇到了以下问题



输出 :假设索引从1开始:



1.start / end index分别不是1/3,因为虽然它们包含字符串但是没有维护订单

2.start / end index分别不是1/5,因为它们虽然包含顺序的字符串,但长度不是最佳的

3.start / end index分别不是6/9,因为它们虽然包含顺序中的字符串但长度不是最佳的

请详细说明如何查找包含给定字符串中所有字符的最小子字符串? 。

但由于订单未得到维护,上述问题不同。 我仍在努力维持索引。 任何帮助,将不胜感激 。 谢谢



我编写了一个search函数,以正确的顺序查找所需的字符,返回窗口的长度并将窗口起始点存储到“ ìnt * startAt 。 该函数处理从指定的起始点int start到它的结尾的给定hay的子序列

算法的其余部分位于main ,其中所有可能的子序列都通过小优化进行测试:我们开始在前一个窗口的起始点之后查找下一个窗口,因此我们跳过一些不必要的转弯。 在此过程中,我们会跟踪“直到最佳解决方案”

复杂度为O(n * n / 2)



 #include  // search for single occurrence int search(const char hay[], int haySize, const char needle[], int needleSize, int start, int * startAt) { int i, charFound = 0; // search from start to end for (i = start; i < haySize; i++) { // found a character ? if (hay[i] == needle[charFound]) { // is it the first one? if (charFound == 0) *startAt = i; // store starting position charFound++; // and go to next one } // are we done? if (charFound == needleSize) return i - *startAt + 1; // success } return -1; // failure } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char hay[] = "ADCBDABCDACD"; char needle[] = "ACD"; int resultStartAt, resultLength = -1, i, haySize = sizeof(hay) - 1, needleSize = sizeof(needle) - 1; // search all possible occurrences for (i = 0; i < haySize - needleSize; i++) { int startAt, length; length = search(hay, haySize, needle, needleSize, i, &startAt); // found something? if (length != -1) { // check if it's the first result, or a one better than before if ((resultLength == -1) || (resultLength > length)) { resultLength = length; resultStartAt = startAt; } // skip unnecessary steps in the next turn i = startAt; } } printf("start at: %d, length: %d\n", resultStartAt, resultLength); return 0; } 


如果遇到A,则标记位置并将其推入堆栈。 之后,继续按顺序检查字符,直到

2A。 如果现在遇到C,则擦除较早的堆栈并保留最近的堆栈。
2B。 如果遇到D,则擦除旧堆栈并标记分数并检查它是否小于当前最佳分数。



 Initialize stack = empty; Initialize bestLength = mainString.size() + 1; // a large value for the subsequence. Initialize currentLength = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < mainString.size(); i++ ) { if ( stack is empty ) { if ( mainString[i] == 'A' ) { start a new stack and push A on it. mark the startPosition for this stack as i. } continue; } For each of the stacks ( there can be at most two stacks prevailing, one of size 1 and other of size 0 ) { if ( stack size == 1 ) // only A in it { if ( mainString[i] == 'A' ) { update the startPosition for this stack as i. } if ( mainString[i] == 'C' ) { push C on to this stack. } } else if ( stack size == 2 ) // A & C in it { if ( mainString[i] == 'C' ) { if there is a stack with size 1, then delete this stack;// the other one dominates this stack. } if ( mainString[i] == 'D' ) { mark the score from startPosition till i and update bestLength accordingly. delete this stack. } } } } 


 FindSequence(char[] sequenceList) { queue startSeqQueue; int i = 0, k; int minSequenceLength = sequenceList.length + 1; int startIdx = -1, endIdx = -1; for (i = 0; i < sequenceList.length - 2; i++) { if (sequenceList[i] == 'A') { startSeqQueue.queue(i); } } while (startSeqQueue!=null) { i = startSeqQueue.enqueue(); k = i + 1; while (sequenceList.length < k && sequenceList[k] != 'C') if (sequenceList[i] == 'A') i = startSeqQueue.enqueue(); k++; while (sequenceList.length < k && sequenceList[k] != 'D') k++; if (k < sequenceList.length && k > minSequenceLength > k - i + 1) { startIdx = i; endIdx = j; minSequenceLength = k - i + 1; } } return startIdx & endIdx } 


 FindSequence(char[] sequenceList) { int i = 0, k; int minSequenceLength = sequenceList.length + 1; int startIdx = -1, endIdx = -1; for (i = 0; i < sequenceList.length - 2; i++) if (sequenceList[i] == 'A') k = i+1; while (sequenceList.length < k && sequenceList[k] != 'C') k++; while (sequenceList.length < k && sequenceList[k] != 'D') k++; if (k < sequenceList.length && k > minSequenceLength > k - i + 1) { startIdx = i; endIdx = j; minSequenceLength = k - i + 1; } return startIdx & endIdx; } 

这是我的版本。 它跟踪可能的候选人以获得最佳解决方案。 对于干草中的每个角色,它会检查此角色是否按每个候选人的顺序排列。 然后它选择最短的候选人。 相当简单。

 class ShortestSequenceFinder { public class Solution { public int StartIndex; public int Length; } private class Candidate { public int StartIndex; public int SearchIndex; } public Solution Execute(string hay, string needle) { var candidates = new List(); var result = new Solution() { Length = hay.Length + 1 }; for (int i = 0; i < hay.Length; i++) { char c = hay[i]; for (int j = candidates.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (c == needle[candidates[j].SearchIndex]) { if (candidates[j].SearchIndex == needle.Length - 1) { int candidateLength = i - candidates[j].StartIndex; if (candidateLength < result.Length) { result.Length = candidateLength; result.StartIndex = candidates[j].StartIndex; } candidates.RemoveAt(j); } else { candidates[j].SearchIndex += 1; } } } if (c == needle[0]) candidates.Add(new Candidate { SearchIndex = 1, StartIndex = i }); } return result; } } 

它以O(n * m)运行。

这是我在Python中的解决方案。 它返回索引,假设0索引序列。 因此,对于给定的示例,它返回(9, 11)而不是(10, 12) 。 显然(10, 12)如果你愿意(10, 12)可以很容易地将其改变为返回(10, 12)

 def solution(s, ss): S, E = [], [] for i in xrange(len(s)): if s[i] == ss[0]: S.append(i) if s[i] == ss[-1]: E.append(i) candidates = sorted([(start, end) for start in S for end in E if start <= end and end - start >= len(ss) - 1], lambda x,y: (x[1] - x[0]) - (y[1] - y[0])) for cand in candidates: i, j = cand[0], 0 while i <= cand[-1]: if s[i] == ss[j]: j += 1 i += 1 if j == len(ss): return cand 


 >>> from so import solution >>> s = 'ADCBDABCDACD' >>> solution(s, 'ACD') (9, 11) >>> solution(s, 'ADC') (0, 2) >>> solution(s, 'DCCD') (1, 8) >>> solution(s, s) (0, 11) >>> s = 'ABC' >>> solution(s, 'B') (1, 1) >>> print solution(s, 'gibberish') None 

我认为时间复杂度为O(p log(p))其中p是序列中引用search_sequence[0]search_sequence[-1]的索引对的数量,其中search_sequence[0]的索引小于search_sequence[-1]的索引,因为它使用O(n log n)算法对这些p对进行排序。 但话说回来,我最后的子串迭代可能完全掩盖了排序步骤。 我不太确定。

它可能具有最坏情况的时间复杂度,其以O(n * m)为界,其中n是序列的长度,m是搜索序列的长度,但此刻我不能想到最坏情况的例子。

这是我在Java中的O(m * n)算法:

 class ShortestWindowAlgorithm { Multimap charToNeedleIdx; // Character -> indexes in needle, from rightmost to leftmost | Multimap is a class from Guava int[] prefixesIdx; // prefixesIdx[i] -- rightmost index in the hay window that contains the shortest found prefix of needle[0..i] int[] prefixesLengths; // prefixesLengths[i] -- shortest window containing needle[0..i] public int shortestWindow(String hay, String needle) { init(needle); for (int i = 0; i < hay.length(); i++) { for (int needleIdx : charToNeedleIdx.get(hay.charAt(i))) { if (firstTimeAchievedPrefix(needleIdx) || foundShorterPrefix(needleIdx, i)) { prefixesIdx[needleIdx] = i; prefixesLengths[needleIdx] = getPrefixNewLength(needleIdx, i); forgetOldPrefixes(needleIdx); } } } return prefixesLengths[prefixesLengths.length - 1]; } private void init(String needle) { charToNeedleIdx = ArrayListMultimap.create(); prefixesIdx = new int[needle.length()]; prefixesLengths = new int[needle.length()]; for (int i = needle.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { charToNeedleIdx.put(needle.charAt(i), i); prefixesIdx[i] = -1; prefixesLengths[i] = -1; } } private boolean firstTimeAchievedPrefix(int needleIdx) { int shortestPrefixSoFar = prefixesLengths[needleIdx]; return shortestPrefixSoFar == -1 && (needleIdx == 0 || prefixesLengths[needleIdx - 1] != -1); } private boolean foundShorterPrefix(int needleIdx, int hayIdx) { int shortestPrefixSoFar = prefixesLengths[needleIdx]; int newLength = getPrefixNewLength(needleIdx, hayIdx); return newLength <= shortestPrefixSoFar; } private int getPrefixNewLength(int needleIdx, int hayIdx) { return needleIdx == 0 ? 1 : (prefixesLengths[needleIdx - 1] + (hayIdx - prefixesIdx[needleIdx - 1])); } private void forgetOldPrefixes(int needleIdx) { if (needleIdx > 0) { prefixesLengths[needleIdx - 1] = -1; prefixesIdx[needleIdx - 1] = -1; } } } 



 public class StackOverflow { public static void main(String[] args) { ShortestWindowAlgorithm algorithm = new ShortestWindowAlgorithm(); System.out.println(algorithm.shortestWindow("AXCXXCAXCXAXCXCXAXAXCXCXDXDXDXAXCXDXAXAXCD", "AACD")); // 6 System.out.println(algorithm.shortestWindow("ADCBDABCDACD", "ACD")); // 3 System.out.println(algorithm.shortestWindow("ADCBDABCD", "ACD")); // 4 } 

我没有在这里阅读每个答案,但我认为没有人注意到这只是局部成对序列比对的限制版本,其中我们只允许插入字符(而不是删除或替换它们)。 因此,它将通过Smith-Waterman算法的简化来解决,该算法仅考虑每个顶点2个案例(通过精确匹配字符或通过插入字符来到达顶点)而不是3个案例。 该算法为O(n ^ 2)。

这是我的解决方案。 它遵循一种模式匹配解决方案。 如果我错了,请评论/纠正我。

给定输入字符串,如问题ADCBDABCDACD 。 让我们首先计算出现A的指数。 假设基于零的索引,这应该是[0,5,9]


  Store the indices of A in a list say *orders*.// orders=[0,5,9] globalminStart, globalminEnd=0,localMinStart=0,localMinEnd=0; for (index: orders) { int i =index; Stack chars=new Stack();// to store the characters i=localminStart; while(i< length of input string) { if(str.charAt(i)=='C') // we've already seen A, so we look for C st.push(str.charAt(i)); i++; continue; else if(str.charAt(i)=='D' and st.peek()=='C') localminEnd=i; // we have a match! so assign value of i to len i+=1; break; else if(str.charAt(i)=='A' )// seen the next A break; } if (globalMinEnd-globalMinStart 

PS:这是伪代码和粗略的想法。 我很乐意纠正它并理解是否有错误。

AFAIC时间复杂度-O(n)。 空间复杂度O(n)