在Objective C中使用C Struct





//Typedef 2 function pointers, first takes and returns int, // second takes and returns double typedef int (*FuncPtrInt) (int); typedef double (*FuncPtrDouble)(double); // create structure to store function pointers struct ABC { FuncPtrInt applyA; FuncPtrDouble applyB; }; // create some functions to use with structure int incrFuncA(int num) { return ++num; } double decrFuncB(double num) { return --num; } double multiplyFuncB(double num) { return num*num; } // try it out void testStruct() { struct ABC abc; abc.applyA = incrFuncA; abc.applyB = decrFuncB; NSLog(@"increment: %d",abc.applyA(3)); NSLog(@"decrement: %f",abc.applyB(3.5)); abc.applyB = multiplyFuncB; NSLog(@"multiply: %f",abc.applyB(3.5)); } 


 2010-02-01 10:36:22.335 x[11847] increment: 4 2010-02-01 10:36:22.336 x[11847] decrement: 2.500000 2010-02-01 10:36:22.336 x[11847] multiply: 12.250000 

如果你想拥有一个带有函数的结构,其中函数在结构上运行,你必须默认将指针传递给该函数(类似于c ++的作用):


 struct ClassABC; typedef int (*FuncPtrClassABC)(struct ClassABC *); typedef int (*FuncPtrClassABCInt)(struct ClassABC *, int); int incrFunc(struct ClassABC * abc); int decrFunc(struct ClassABC * abc); int addFunc(struct ClassABC * abc, int num); int subtractFunc(struct ClassABC * abc, int num); struct ClassABC { int i; FuncPtrClassABC increment; FuncPtrClassABC decrement; FuncPtrClassABCInt add; FuncPtrClassABCInt subtract; }; 


 int incrFunc(struct ClassABC * abc) { return ++(abc->i); } int decrFunc(struct ClassABC * abc) { return --(abc->i); } int addFunc(struct ClassABC * abc, int num) { abc->i += num; return abc->i; } int subtractFunc(struct ClassABC * abc, int num) { abc->i -= num; return abc->i; } 


 void initClassABC(struct ClassABC * abc) { abc->i = 0; abc->increment = incrFunc; abc->decrement = decrFunc; abc->add = addFunc; abc->subtract = subtractFunc; } 


 struct ClassABC cabc; initClassABC(&cabc); cabc.add(&cabc,4); NSLog(@"add: %d", cabc.i); cabc.decrement(&cabc); NSLog(@"decrement: %d", cabc.i); cabc.subtract(&cabc,2); NSLog(@"subtract: %d", cabc.i); 


 2010-02-01 10:56:39.569 x[12894] add: 4 2010-02-01 10:56:39.569 x[12894] decrement: 3 2010-02-01 10:56:39.569 x[12894] subtract: 1 


Objective-C是C的正确超集。您可以在Objective-C中完成相同的任何操作。 所以,你真的不需要将它们视为不同的语言; Objective-C只是“C加上一些东西”。

 // this struct is compatible with C and Obj-C struct fruit { int a; }; int main() { struct fruit apple; apple.a = 1; return 0; } 

然后,任何C或Objective-C源文件都可以访问该结构。 Objective-C没有引入任何其他复杂情况。