

char clientdata[12][128]; 

将内容写入文件的最佳方法是什么? 我需要不断更新此文本文件,以便在每次写入时清除文件中的先前数据。


 FILE *f = fopen("client.data", "wb"); fwrite(clientdata, sizeof(char), sizeof(clientdata), f); fclose(f); 


我宁愿添加一个测试来使其健壮! fclose()在任何一种情况下都会完成,否则文件系统将释放文件描述符

 int written = 0; FILE *f = fopen("client.data", "wb"); written = fwrite(clientdata, sizeof(char), sizeof(clientdata), f); if (written == 0) { printf("Error during writing to file !"); } fclose(f); 


 /* define array, counter, and file name, and open the file */ int unsigned n, prime[1000000]; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("/Users/Robert/Prime/Data100","w"); prime[0] = 1; /* fist prime is One, a given, so set it */ /* do Prime calculation here and store each new prime found in the array */ prime[pn] = n; /* when search for primes is complete write the entire array to file */ fwrite(prime,sizeof(prime),1,fp); /* Write to File */ /* To verify data has been properly written to file... */ fread(prime,sizeof(prime),1,fp); /* read the entire file into the array */ printf("Prime extracted from file Data100: %10d \n",prime[78485]); /* verify data written */ /* in this example, the 78,485th prime found, value 999,773. */ 


参考:[ https://overiq.com/c-programming/101/fwrite-function-in-c/