
Char *strings = "1,5,95,255" 



值1 = 1

value2 = 5

Value3 = 95

value4 = 255


我想看看这个例子。 我知道这对你们很多人来说非常基础,但我发现它有点挑战性。


从cplusplus strtok示例修改:

 #include  #include  int main () { char str[] ="1,2,3,4,5"; char *pt; pt = strtok (str,","); while (pt != NULL) { int a = atoi(pt); printf("%d\n", a); pt = strtok (NULL, ","); } return 0; } 


 char *strings = "1,5,95,255"; char number; int i = 0; int value = 1; printf ("value%d = ", value); value++; while (strings[i] != NULL) { number = string[i]; i++; if (number == ',') printf("\nvalue%d = ",value++); else printf("%s",&number); } 

如果你没有可修改的字符串,我会使用strchr 。 搜索下一个,然后像那样扫描

 #define MAX_LENGTH_OF_NUMBER 9 char *string = "1,5,95,255"; char *comma; char *position; // number has 9 digits plus \0 char number[MAX_LENGTH_OF_NUMBER + 1]; comma = strchr (string, ','); position = string; while (comma) { int i = 0; while (position < comma && i <= MAX_LENGTH_OF_NUMBER) { number[i] = *position; i++; position++; } // Add a NULL to the end of the string number[i] = '\0'; printf("Value is %d\n", atoi (number)); // Position is now the comma, skip it past position++; comma = strchr (position, ','); } // Now there's no more commas in the string so the final value is simply the rest of the string printf("Value is %d\n", atoi (position)l