

// .pyx from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t cdef extern from "": cdef struct apriltag_detection: int id double c[2] double p[4][2] ctypedef apriltag_detection apriltag_detection_t cdef extern from "tag36h11_detector/tag36h11_detector.h": apriltag_detection_t* scan_frame(int width, int height, uint8_t* data); cdef class Detection: # how do I "link" this to the struct defined above? def __cinit__(self): pass def __dealloc__(self): pass def detect(width, height, frame): return scan_frame(width, height, frame) 

理想情况下,我想在Python代码中调用detect函数,并获取一个Detection对象列表,其中Detection是C struct apriltag_detection的包装类,它是apriltag_detection_t


tag36h11_detector.pyx:22:21:无法将’apriltag_detection_t *’转换为Python对象



 // .h typedef struct detection_payload { int size; apriltag_detection_t** detections; } detection_payload_t; 


 // .pyx cdef extern from "": cdef struct apriltag_detection: int id double c[2] double p[4][2] ctypedef apriltag_detection apriltag_detection_t cdef extern from "tag36h11_detector/tag36h11_detector.h": cdef struct detection_payload: int size apriltag_detection_t** detections ctypedef detection_payload detection_payload_t detection_payload* scan_frame(int width, int height, uint8_t* data) ... cdef class Detection: cdef apriltag_detection* _d def __cinit__(self): self._d = NULL cdef _setup(self, apriltag_detection* d): self._d = d def __dealloc__(self): self._d = NULL property id: def __get__(self): return self._d.id property c: def __get__(self): return self._d.c property p: def __get__(self): return self._d.p cdef Detection_create(apriltag_detection_t* d): return Detection()._setup(d) cdef class DetectionPayload: cdef detection_payload* _p def __cinit__(self): self._p = NULL cdef _setup(self, detection_payload* p): self._p = p self.size = p.size self.detections = [] for i in range(0, self.size): apriltag_detection_t* detection = self._p.detections[i] d = Detection_create(detection) self.detections+=[d] def __dealloc__(self): _p = NULL property size: def __get__(self): return self.size property detections: def __get__(self): return self.detections 


 apriltag_detection_t* detection = self._p.detections[I] 



这个编译和导入现在很好。 arrays上仍然没有进展

 from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t cdef extern from "": cdef struct apriltag_detection: int id double c[2] double p[4][2] ctypedef apriltag_detection apriltag_detection_t cdef extern from "tag36h11_detector/tag36h11_detector.h": apriltag_detection_t* scan_frame(int width, int height, uint8_t* data); cdef class Detection: cdef apriltag_detection* _d def __cinit__(self): self._d = NULL cdef _setup(self, apriltag_detection* d): self._d = d def __dealloc__(self): self._d = NULL property id: def __get__(self): return self._d.id property c: def __get__(self): return self._d.c property p: def __get__(self): return self._d.p cdef Detection_create(apriltag_detection_t* d): return Detection()._setup(d) def detect(width, height, frame): cdef apriltag_detection_t* detection = scan_frame(width, height, frame) return Detection_create(detection) 



 from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t cdef extern from "": cdef struct apriltag_detection: int id double c[2] double p[4][2] ctypedef apriltag_detection apriltag_detection_t cdef extern from "tag36h11_detector/tag36h11_detector.h": apriltag_detection_t* scan_frame(int width, int height, uint8_t* data); cdef class Detection: cdef apriltag_detection* _d; def __cinit__(self): self._d = NULL def _setup(self, apriltag_detection* d): self._d = d def __dealloc__(self): self._d = NULL property id: def __get__(self): return self._t.id property c: def __get__(self): return self._t.c property p: def __get__(self): return self._t.p cdef Detection_create(apriltag_detection_t* d): return Detection()._setup(d) def detect(width, height, frame): return scan_frame(width, height, frame) 


tag36h11_detector.pyx:33:30:无法将’apriltag_detection_t *’转换为Python对象


 cdef Detection_create(apriltag_detection_t* d): return Detection()._setup(d) 


你似乎已经解决了你的问题,但我想回答这个问题。 首先是因为我想尝试一下,其次是因为我认为你在内存管理方面存在一些问题,我想指出它。


 //creator.h typedef struct { int mult; int add; } Result; typedef struct { int size; Result *arr; } ResultArray; ResultArray create(int size, int *input){ //whole file at the end of the answer } 



 #result_import.pyx (verion 0) cdef extern from "creator.h": ctypedef struct Result: int mult int add ctypedef struct ResultArray: int size Result *arr ResultArray create(int size, int *input) def create_structs(int[::1] input_vals): pass 

最值得注意的部分:我使用memoryview( int[::1] )来传递我的输入数组,这有两个好处:

  1. 在python端,可以使用支持内存视图的任何东西( numpy ,自Python3以来的数组),这样可以更灵活地使用numpy数组
  2. 确保(通过[::1] )输入是连续的


 #test.py import result_import import numpy as np a=np.array([1,2,3],dtype='int32') result=result_import.create_structs(a) for i,el in enumerate(result): print i, ": mult:", el.mult, " add:", el.add 


第一种情况:我们只想让普通的python-objects没什么特别的! 一种可能性是:

 #result_import.pyx (verion 1) #from cpython cimport array needed for array.array in Python2 from libc.stdlib cimport free .... class PyResult: def __init__(self, mult, add): self.mult=mult self.add=add def create_structs(int[::1] input_vals): cdef ResultArray res=create(len(input_vals), &input_vals[0]) try: lst=[] for i in range(res.size): lst.append(PyResult(res.arr[i].mult, res.arr[i].add)) finally: free(res.arr) return lst 

我将整个数据转换为python-objects并使用一个简单的列表。 很简单,但有两件事值得注意:

  1. 内存管理:我负责释放res.arr中分配的内存。 所以我使用try...finally确保即使抛出exception也会发生。
  2. 仅将此指针设置为NULL是不够的,我必须调用free -function。

现在我们的test.py工作 – 很好!

第二种情况:但是,如果我只需要一些元素并将它们全部转换 – 它只是效率低下。 此外,我将所有元素保留在内存中两次(至少在一段时间内) – 这是天真方法的缺点。 所以我想在稍后的程序中按需创建PyResult -objects。


 #result_import.pyx (verion 2) ... cdef class WrappingList: cdef int size cdef Result *arr def __cinit__(self): self.size=0 self.arr=NULL def __dealloc__(self): free(self.arr) print "deallocated"#just a check def __getitem__(self, index): if index<0 or index>=self.size: raise IndexError("list index out of range") return PyResult(self.arr[index].mult, self.arr[index].add) def create_structs(int[::1] input_vals): cdef ResultArray res=create(len(input_vals), &input_vals[0]) lst=WrappingList() lst.size, lst.arr=res.size, res.arr return lst 

所以类WrappingList行为很像列表,保留整个C数组而不复制,只在需要时创建PyResult -objects。 值得一提的事:

  1. WrapperingList被销毁时调用WrapperingList – 这是我们释放由C代码提供给我们的内存的地方。 在test.py结束时,我们应该看到“deallocated”,否则出现问题……
  2. __getitem__用于迭代。

第三种情况: Python代码不仅应该读取结果而且还要更改它们,因此更改的数据可以传递回C代码。 为此,让PyResult成为代理:

 #result_import.pyx (verion 3, last) ... cdef class PyResult: cdef Result *ptr #ptr to my element def __init__(self): self.ptr=NULL @property def mult(self): return self.ptr.mult @mult.setter def mult(self, value): self.ptr.mult = value @property def add(self): return self.ptr.add @add.setter def add(self, value): self.ptr.add = value cdef class WrappingList: ... def __getitem__(self, index): if index>=self.size: raise IndexError("list index out of range") res=PyResult() res.ptr=&self.arr[index] return res 

现在, PyResult包含一个指向相应元素的指针,可以直接在C数组中更改它。 但是,有一些陷阱,我应该提一下:

  1. 它有点不安全: PyResult不应超过父级WrappingList -object。 您可以通过在PyResult -class中添加对父级的引用来修复它。
  2. 访问元素( addmult )非常昂贵,因为每次必须创建,注册然后删除新的Python对象。


 #test.py(second version) import result_import import numpy as np a=np.array([1,2,3],dtype='int32') result=result_import.create_structs(a) for i,el in enumerate(result): print i, ": mult:", el.mult, " add:", el.add el.mult, el.add=42*i,21*i # now print changed values: for i,el in enumerate(result): print i, ": mult:", el.mult, " add:", el.add 



Sloppy creator.h – 需要检查malloc的结果:

 //creator.h typedef struct { int mult; int add; } Result; typedef struct { int size; Result *arr; } ResultArray; ResultArray create(int size, int *input){ ResultArray res; res.size=size; res.arr=(Result *)malloc(size*sizeof(Result));//todo: check !=0 for(int i=0;i 


 from distutils.core import setup, Extension from Cython.Build import cythonize setup(ext_modules=cythonize(Extension( name='result_import', sources = ["result_import.pyx"] )))