
我的函数AddItemToClient似乎不起作用我不确定它是因为find函数还是因为AddItemToClient函数但输出很奇怪。 当我尝试将项目添加到另一个客户端而不是第一个客户端时,它不起作用,但仅适用于第一个客户端,但也添加到每个现有客户端相同的项目可以有人解释原因吗?

#include  #include  #include  #include  struct date { int day; int month; int year; struct date* next; }; struct item { char item_name[30]; char item_state[30]; double item_price; char item_status[30]; double item_price_if_not; struct date *issue_date; struct item *next; }; struct client { char client_name[30]; char client_last_name[30]; struct item *item_data; struct client *next; }; //ADD CLIENT// void AddClient(struct client **head, char name[30], char last_name[30]) { if((*head) == NULL) { *head = malloc(sizeof(struct client)); strcpy((*head)->client_name,name); strcpy((*head)->client_last_name,last_name); (*head)->next = NULL; (*head)->item_data = NULL; } else { struct client *temp; temp = (*head); // // while(temp->next) temp=temp->next; // // (temp->next) = malloc(sizeof(struct client)); strcpy(temp->next->client_name,name); strcpy(temp->next->client_last_name,last_name); temp->next->next = NULL; temp->next->item_data = NULL; } } //ADD CLIENT END// ////////////////// //FIND TO ADD// struct client *FindToAdd(struct client *head, char named[30],char last_name[30]) { struct client *current = head; while(current != NULL) { if((strcmp(current->client_name,named) == 0 )&& (strcmp(current->client_last_name,last_name) == 0)) { printf("Client found :%s %s\n",current->client_name,current->client_last_name); return current; } current = current->next; } return (NULL); } //FIND TO ADD END// /////////////////// //ADD ITEM TO CLIENT// void AddItemToClient(struct client *head, char item_name[30], char item_state[30], double price, char status[30], double price_if_not, int day, int month, int year) { struct item* it = malloc(sizeof(struct item)); strcpy(it->item_name, item_name); strcpy(it->item_state, item_state); strcpy(it->item_status, status); it->item_price = price; it->item_price_if_not = price_if_not; it->issue_date = malloc(sizeof(struct date)); it->issue_date->day = day; it->issue_date->month = month; it->issue_date->year = year; it->next = NULL; it->issue_date->next = NULL; if (head->item_data == NULL) { head->item_data = it; } else { struct item* node = head->item_data; while (node->next != NULL) node = node->next; node->next = it; } } //ADD ITEM TO CLIENT END// ////////////////////////// // DISPLAY// void Display(struct client *head) {int i=1,b=1; struct client *current; current = head; while(current != NULL) { printf("[%d] Client name:%s %s \n",i, current->client_name, current->client_last_name); struct item *CurrentItem = head->item_data; while(CurrentItem != NULL) { printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); printf("[%d] \n",b); printf("Item name: %s\n",CurrentItem->item_name); printf("Item state: %s\n",CurrentItem->item_state); printf("Item status: %s\n",CurrentItem->item_status); printf("Item price: %lf\n",CurrentItem->item_price); printf("Item price if debt wasnt paid: %lf\n",CurrentItem->item_price_if_not); printf("Issue date: %d/%d/%d\n",CurrentItem->issue_date->day,CurrentItem->issue_date->month,CurrentItem->issue_date->year); printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); CurrentItem = CurrentItem->next; b++; } current=current->next; i++; } } //DISPLAY END// /////////////// int main() { struct client* List = NULL; int choice; char name[30]; char client_name[30]; char client_named[30]; char client_last_named[30]; char client_last_name[30]; char item_name[30]; char item_state[30]; char to_find_name[30]; char to_find_last_name[30]; double price; char status[30]; double price_if_not; int day,month,year; scanf( "%d", &choice ); while( choice != 6) { printf("Option 1: New person:\nOption 2: Display\nOption 3: Add item to person\n"); switch( choice ) { case 1: printf( "New person: \n" ); printf("Provide client name\n"); scanf("%s",client_name); printf("Provide client last name\n"); scanf("%s",client_last_name); AddClient(&List,client_name,client_last_name); break; case 2: printf("Display\n"); Display(List); break; case 3: printf("Add item to person: \n"); struct client *temporal = NULL; printf("Name of desired person\n"); scanf("%s",client_named); printf("Last name of desired person\n"); scanf("%s",client_last_named); temporal = FindToAdd(List,client_named,client_last_named); printf("Item name\n"); scanf("%s",item_name); printf("Item state\n"); scanf("%s",item_state); printf("Item price\n"); scanf("%lf",&price); printf("Item status\n"); scanf("%s",status); printf("Item price if debt wasnt paid\n"); scanf("%lf",&price_if_not); printf("Issue date: day\n"); scanf("%d",&day); printf("Issue date: month\n"); scanf("%d",&month); printf("Issue date: year\n"); scanf("%d",&year); AddItemToClient(temporal,item_name,item_state,price,status,price_if_not,day,month,year); break; case 4: printf("Name of desired person\n"); scanf("%s",to_find_name); printf("Last name of desired person\n"); scanf("%s",to_find_last_name); FindToAdd(List,to_find_name,to_find_last_name); break; default: printf( "Invalid choice.\n\n" ); break; } printf( "? " ); scanf( "%d", &choice ); } } 


  struct item *CurrentItem = head->item_data; 


  struct item *CurrentItem = current->item_data;