
我有一个用excel创建的文本文件,其中包含一个尺寸为36×35的表。 值是双数(例如2.58),文本文件如下所示:

1.25 2.31 ... 4.28 2.56 ... 3.27 ... ... ... 


 double **MUDG_table; //dynamic allocate array of MUDG_table (1st Dimension) MUDG_table = calloc(arr_row,sizeof(int *)); //check if the memory has been allocated correctly if (MUDG_table==NULL) { printf("Error allocating memory!\n"); //print an error message return 1; //return with failure } for (cv02=0;cv02<arr_row;cv02++) { //dynamic allocate array of MUDG_table (2nd Dimension) MUDG_table[cv02] = calloc(arr_column, sizeof(int)); //check if the memory has been allocated correctly if (MUDG_table[cv02]==NULL) { printf("Error allocating memory!\n"); //print an error message return 1; //return with failure } } 

到现在为止还挺好。 然后我尝试从文本文件中读取值并将它们存储到数组中以进行进一步处理:

 //************************************************************************************************************// //read the text file with the values of the gain and save it to the MUDG_table //************************************************************************************************************// gain_ptr = fopen("MUDG_text.txt", "r"); if (gain_ptr == NULL) { printf("Error Reading File\n"); return 1; //return with failure } for (row=0;row<arr_row;row++) { for (column=0;column<arr_column;column++) { fscanf(gain_ptr, " %1f", &MUDG_table[row][column]); } } fclose(gain_ptr); 

问题是,我得到的值类似于5.26346e-315#DEN任何想法我做错了什么。 是因为我不使用EOF吗?



 //dynamic allocate array of MUDG_table (1st Dimension) MUDG_table = calloc(arr_row,sizeof(double *)); //check if the memory has been allocated correctly if (MUDG_table==NULL) { printf("Error allocating memory!\n"); //print an error message return 1; //return with failure } for (cv02=0;cv02 

主要的问题是fscanf,我不知道为什么它不工作。 所以我用fgets替换它。 我在另一篇文章中找到了这段代码,并在此情况下对其进行了修改。

 gain_ptr = fopen("MUDG_text.txt", "r"); if (gain_ptr == NULL) { printf("Error Reading File\n"); return 1; //return with failure } for (row=0;row 
